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"I believe you have something you'd like to say to me Scarlett." Jordanah added seriously as I felt myself go cold. Even though the blonde mother wasn't clear on her sentence, part of me felt like she already found about the real identity of the girl in those pictures.

Even though I thought they had been broken up at the time, I felt awful knowing that I had cheated on my closest friends' boyfriend. It especially looked bad considering what I did to Marcus a few years back.

I was nervous. This was it. Yet another friendship was going to be ruined because of a stupid boy.

"Wh - why do I need to say anything to you?" I stuttered, sounding just as guilty as how I felt.

"I mean in advance you should tell me something, like thank you because you'll never believe what I found out."

"I wouldn't have a clue -"

"I KNOW WHO THE GIRL IN THE PICTURE IS!" Jordanah interjected, screeching with excitement.

"Look Jordanah, I -"

"Wait, wait. Please let me tell you. It all got crazy at Carlton today because of it, like it's the latest gossip that I know you'd love to hear. Okay, okay. So you know the blonde chick I was telling you about that was quite handsy with Charlie in some pictures?"

"Gemma?" I asked, trying to figure out which other blonde girl the mother had problems with. No other names came to mind other than Gemma and of course Jordanah herself.

"Thankfully not her. But no, another girl. That girl model that was on that stupid dating show, the one who was going on about how she likes footballers?"

"Yeah no, that doesn't ring a bell to me."

"Anyway, her names' Skylar Tate. She's always in the K-Mart booklet modeling their clothes or whatever as well. Anyway, she would always take pictures with him on Instagram and I knew I had reason to suspect her. But apparently, one of the new rookies found out about his infidelity with Skylar when he went over to his house to play Fortenight and overheard him talking about how he took pictures of her because he enjoyed the night they spent together.

Like yuck. But then the rookie tried to intervene and him and Charlie got into a fight whilst the whore was standing in his house, watching every moment. But the fight today at training only happened because Charlie's bruised ego couldn't take it that a younger guy tried to fight him, so they ends up having a go at each other again in the lockeroom." Jordanah chuckled with delight as she told me the story.

Gee, thanks Jordanah. Feels really good to be called a whore by your friend, even if it was indirectly. The sigh I let out wasn't enough to stop her gloating about the situation.

"It was dumb though how the rookie defended Skylar. Like she obviously knew that Charlie and I were together at the time and she decided to hook up with him. Even though he told me nothing ever happened between them, who knows how many times they hooked up together. Obviously, I got a better body than the trash in that picture. No wonder she has to resort to stealing boyfriends and showing up on polaroids, nobody thinks she's wife material and that she's only deserving to be seen in private -"

"Did you ever think that maybe Skylar didn't want that scumbag to show intimate photos to strangers?" I angrily added, sick of the comments she was making. For someone who was a mother, I really hope that her son didn't take up the misogynic views Jordanah held.

"Well Skylar shouldn't be parading herself with taken men if she wanted to be respected -"

The room fell silent as I felt at ease after hanging up her call. I was glad that Finn kept his promise and left my name out of the situation. If Jordanah spoke that way about an innocent woman, imagine the things she'd say about me if she found out the truth?

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