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As I looked at my reflection in the mirror, I began fixing the flared sleeves of my dress. It caught me off guard to see Kalani behind me in the mirror. I quickly turned around to look at the disapproving model.

"If your eyes have decided to wander, you better hope to God that they don't end up on Sam aswell." Kalani bitterly added.

"I-" I began, but the curly haired brunette stormed away. It was starting to feel like my time whilst I was in the Bulldogs group. Small, snide comments were starting over something that was completely misunderstood.

What had Evelyn told Kalani that was causing so much friction?

"GUYS! IF YOU KEEP PLAYING LIKE THAT, THE TAIPAINS ARE GOING TO HANG US DRY." Nate could be heard yelling as I walked over to Chet, who was on the opposite end of the court.

"Where's Landon today?" I ask, noticing that the basketballer was absent from today's training. The dark haired basketballer took a selfie of himself, before turning to face me.

"Sorry, what did you say Scarlett?" Chet asked perplexed.

"Landon's not at training today." I point out with a frown.

"He's at home. He's resting after some incident the other night. Landon said he was fine, but coach didn't think it was right for him to return straightaway." Chet admitted and began dribbling the ball beside him.

"Oh my god. Is he okay? I really hope his wife took him to the hospital." I added in panic. The basketballer raised an eyebrow.

"Why? What's going on? Was this why Evelyn was acting weird the day we played Sydney?" He questioned.

"Sorta. Uh, Landon got attacked on his way to the club. Someone hit him with a bottle. So he came in and Nate went to get Beau since he had a first-aid kit. Anyway, I was trying to clean up Landon because there was so much blood and then Evelyn comes in causing a scene." I explain, as Chet dropped the basketball from his hands.

"Well shit. That's intense that Landon got attacked. Do you know who it was?" He asked.

"No. He thinks it might be a crazy Kings fan." I add with a sigh.

"Right. But then what's with Evelyn causing a scene? Did she get upset at the weirdo fan for hitting her husband?" Chet asked suddenly.

"No. She got upset at me though." I admit.

"Why? From what Nate told us, you were the one that alerted him to the incident." Chet exclaimed.

"She must of confused me wiping off the blood from Landon as feeling him up. I don't know. But it was really bad, like everytime I wiped more blood kept flowing from his forehead. I couldn't sleep the last few nights because I've been worried about him." I add in worry.

"Evelyn is insane. She should be greatful that you like got help for her husband. Guess this explains her behaviour the other day. Evelyn was mouthing off to Zara. Plus she was arguing after the game with Landon." Chet remarked.

"Did Landon play at all?" I ask.

"Eh, not really. Think it had down that he was injuried on official league records." He explained, as he looked at something behind me.

"What's going on? Is it Nate?" I ask in confusion.

"I wish it was. Uh, I don't want to upset you but Kalani and Evelyn are pointing over in our direction. No idea what they're talking about." Chet shrugged.

"It's me. They're talking about me obviously. Evelyn could even ask Beau and Nate. My focus was trying to save Landon, not touch him or whatever." I say with a sigh.

Smoke and Bones (Smoke #4)Where stories live. Discover now