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"If it's not that annoying basketballer lecturing me about looking after Scarlett, then it's Templeton's dumb fiancé asking for advice on how to deal with her mood swings." Zaine groaned and marched into the room with a cup of noodles.

As he plopped onto the floor, I was amazed that he was yet to spill any of the soup on the floor.

It hadn't been a whole day since the hospital had discharged me to go home, but that was the thing.

Where was home?

Mentally, I had been grappling to deal with this question after the breakup with Nate and the situation with Charlie. Now, I was also dealing with the dilemma physically since my house had been burned down completely.

"Was there a fight?" I ask half-interested, looking at Cassius sleeping peacefully in my arms. It was amazing. He had no clue as to what was happening inside the house whilst he was inside my womb.

"If Lamington told me to look after you one more time, there could have been. I invited you inside my house, is that not -"

"No, Zaine. I was asking if there was a fight between Ashleigh and Tim?" I cut him off, frustrated that he was getting upset over Landon.

"It's more like Templeton got all emotional at the hospital and has locked herself in her room since she got home." Zaine explained casually as I looked at him confused.

Ashleigh's reaction to the death didn't make a lot of sense. It certainly would be sad for the average person to hear that Daniel died. But locking yourself in a room was a whole other story. I knew the pair worked together before with the law stuff, but I never knew that they were that close.

"Why was she upset?" I questioned.

"Tim thinks hearing about Daniel must have set her off. She's never been one to deal with grief gracefully." The footballer shared with a frown.

"It would be a big shock to hear that someone's died. Let alone someone like Daniel. I could only imagine what you're going through now, Scarlett. He was your cousin, after all." Georgia remarked sadly whilst walking into the living room.

"I'm still coming to terms with it, honestly." I admit.

"I just don't understand. What the hell was Tom doing at your house? Marcus as well. I mean, I heard from Jordanah that he went to your house to get away from Tom." Georgia asked in disbelief.

"Well, clearly that didn't work since Tom ended up at the house that is now non-existent." Zaine pointed out.

"Yeah. Tom was chasing after Marcus, I guess. He wanted to confront him about the book he was writing, and there probably is some stuff included that Tom didn't like. It would explain why Tom followed Marcus to my house." I tell the pair. They both looked at me with concern.

"This obviously doesn't justify Tom burning your entire house down. But what was in the book that got the guy so upset?" Georgia questioned as she folded her arms together.

"I don't know. Marcus left to deal with Tom before I had the chance to ask." I say with a sigh.

"When someone with celebrity status says they're writing a book, it's always never good for some people." She suddenly said.

"What do you mean?" I ask, curious by her remark.

"Something always has to come out. Like an affair or being the toxic one in a relationship." Georgia explained, as Zaine hopped off of his seat.

"Hold that thought about the men that Jordanah dates." He exclaimed.

"I wasn't talking about Jordanah -"

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