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"Are you sure you're alright Scarlett? I just want to do something to make you feel a bit better at least -"

"I don't know Andrew, I'm still wrapping my head around things but I'll be fine." I cut myself off. The sudden realisation that justice may never be able to be gotten had dawned upon me. Tom may never be reprimanded for what he did, and Kate's likely to get a slap on the wrist since her involvement was minor.

Letting out a sigh, I looked up to see Andrew's brown eyes gazing back into mine.

"I'm not upset at you if that's what you're worried about. I'm not mad that you told me when you did. It's gonna be hard to come back from this but just know it doesn't change the way I see you. I still love you Scarlett and I always will." He added, leaning closer towards me as he kissed my forehead.

"Thank you, I - I love you too Andrew." I smiled as he pushed the strand of hair away from me.

"Do you want a cup of coffee babe? I'll put on the kettle and make you something to eat if you like?" Andrew offered as I paused for a moment. I wasn't really hungry that much but I hadn't eaten for most of the day which if Andrew knew that, he'd be pretty annoyed.

"I'll just have the coffee thank you. But feel free to make yourself something, wouldn't want my star footballer to go hungry." I added. The Canadian footballer turned around and let out a cheeky grin before heading over to the kitchen.

It was almost too quiet at the apartment. Other than the rattling caused by my future husband to be in the kitchen, it felt like something was missing.

I had already gotten out what I'd been hiding from Andrew for ages and both of us were finally on the same page about our situations. So why did it feel like I was missing something rather important?

My thought soon disappeared as I turned my attention on the ringing of my phone. Leaning over, I noticed Jordanah's name on the caller ID as I smiled. It was odd that she was still by my side despite how cold I had been to her when we first reunited. I didn't deserve her, nobody did. But I was glad to still have her in my life.

The ringtone slowly began to die down as I had realised I forgot to answer the call. Instantly, I pressed answer and was greeted by her warm and rather compassionate tone.

"Did you forget about me already? Or were you too busy kissing your boyfriend to answer my call?"

"I wasn't-"

"Alright, I didn't call to hear about what Andrew and you do in your sparetime. Hang on, give me a second. Billy? Can you like shut up for two seconds? I can't hear Scarlett speak." Jordanah screamed. I quickly pulled the phone away from my ears as she spent the next few moments yelling at Billy and Lukas from what I could understand from her comments.

"So what did you call about J?" I asked, looking over at Andrew through the walkway. I couldn't believe that this was the boy I was going to walk down the aisle with soon. He seemed to look confused as he stood by, looking perplexed at the black kettle.

"Firstly, I know it's early days since it's halfway, sorta, through the season. But apperently there's rumours that Darcy Moore is on the dogs radar." Jordanah cackled as I squinted my eyes.

"And you care about this because? You don't even support them and last time I checked, you don't date a dogs player."

"Yet Scarlett. I don't date a dogs player yet. But I care about this because, do you know how entertaining that's going to be if he runs into you? I mean you've probs ran into him whilst you were working and you had to interview him, but like he's gonna run into you and have plenty of time to converse with you." Jordanah just laughed, not really understanding the flaw of what she was saying.

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