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Just a few more days.

A few more days until I went on maternity leave, and hopefully get ready to bring this little one into the world.

Although I was excited to get some time off of work, I couldn't pass up the opportunity to cover the last qualifying window before the World Cup. Of course, that's a huge deal to cover. But it also meant I got to see Chris and Rocky again, who both made the cut to play in the next lot of games this week.

"I'm going to be okay, I promise Josh. I've done this a million times before. I can handle it." I chuckle, waiting outside of the stadium's entrance.

"But in the majority of the million times, you've not been pregnant before. I don't want anything bad to happen to you." Josh sighed over the phone.

"You stress too much. It's not like I'll be playing on the court myself. Most of the time, I'll be sitting and watching the game. I'll be in safe hands, Josh. I've met a few of the staff before and - Zaine?" I question out loud. The footballer waved frantically to me before making his way over.

"Zaine and safe hands don't belong in the same sentence, Scarlett." Josh warned.

"I'm being called to go in. I appreciate the phone call, though, Josh. Give my blessings to Nick, and if there's anyone else at Collingwood that's decent. Okay, gotta go. Bye." I blurt out and hang up the phone.

"Man, Scarlett. I still can't believe that Daikini got you pregnant, out of all people." Zaine added with wide eyes as he stared at my rather noticeable bump.

"Uh, what are you doing in Ballarat?" I ask him tiredly.

"I'm injured." He remarked, walking alongside me.

"Yes. But you're at the World Cup qualifiers? Aren't you meant to be at home with the restrictions and your injury? I only just got clearance to be allowed here." I question him in confusion. We both showed the security guard our passes before I glared at Zaine.

"Someone at the club got me in when I told them I'm considering coaching after I retire. So now I get to shadow the Australian men's team." He excitedly explained.

"You're not actually considering coaching, are you?" I ask, unsure if I had misheard him.

"Nope. But I knew you'd be here for the next few days, and the club didn't want me travelling with the team because of the restrictions. So an old friend of mine, Jayden Sayers, dropped me off here." He explained. I was left with more answers than questions.

"Who's Jayden Sayers?" I question him.

"You have a lot to learn grasshopper." He chuckled.

"How are you actually supposed to shadow anyway?" I ask, still unsure about his explanation.

"No idea. I'm just here to pass the time since I won't be playing in the new AFL season for a while." He explained. "How did you get here anyway, the train?"

"Daniel dropped me off." I say. The sound of someone calling me caught us off guard.

"Hey, Scarlett!" Chris exclaimed excitedly as he jogged up to us.

"Chris, long time no see!" I remark with a smile.

"I'd give you a hug, but I'm pretty sure the organisation would fine me. Stupid coronavirus. Anyway, how's the little one doing?" He asked, gesturing at my belly.

"I'm not little, I'm an adult." Zaine quipped. I rolled my eyes.

"The little one is doing well." I admit, nodding my head.

"And you bought Zaine Cordy with you. For some reason." He added with a raised eyebrow.

"What's wrong with that Chris Cross? Upset that I'm going to steal away the shine from you today?" Zaine smugly questioned the basketballer.

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