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Over the next week, the routine consisted of the same thing. Work, visiting Nate, sleep and then repeat. It soon all became pretty similar for me.

I was thankful that Josh hadn't asked about the coldness towards his teammate. Nick however couldn't seem to leave the topic alone. Every moment he got, the questions would slip right off his tongue.

There wasn't any need to talk about my situation with Mason. There wasn't anything to talk about anyway.

During the time also, the others were preparing for the upcoming trip to Brisbane. Though this might not of been so obvious to everyone, except Zaine maybe, I wasn't preparing for it.

It just wasn't the time. With Nate still recovering from the poisoning, he needed every bit of support he could get. The last thing Nate would need was his own girlfriend hoping on a plane and heading interstate. As upset Jordanah would be, and I know she will be, I personally can't see myself flying out of the state right now.

I'm sure Jordanah would do the same for Taylor if he were in similar circumstances.

"So, how are you going today Mr Sutton?" The nurse asked warmly.

"Can't complain." Nate answered casually, looking over at me. I shot him a smile, unsure of why I was feeling nervous for the appointment today.

"Good, good. Now we're just going to continue to go over what we worked on last time. I wanna make sure that your muscle movement hasn't been impacted too badly." The nurse explained.

"That's no problem." Nate exclaimed, letting out a sigh.

As the pair were preparing to begin the afternoon's session, I opened up the Instagram group chat I was in with a handful of the players and partners from United. It wasn't everybody of course. Just those that I had met and gotten to know during my time with Nate.

Compose new message
To: Landon Baker, Sam McDaniel + more

Nate is currently with a specialist. Will let you know how it goes guys :)

As I snapped an image of the coach lifting his arm upwards, immediately the messages starting rolling through.

@landon.baker: So happy for him
@zaramcadams: Proud for you x
@sammcdan: Let's go coach !!
@maggiegoulding: Good luck with Nate's specialist appointment luv
@zaine.cordy: He'll be back to breaking your back in no time Scarlett :)

It wasn't a surprise that Zaine had managed to add himself into the group chat. It also didn't surprise me that his response was quite vulgar compared to the others.

@sammcdan: @zaine.cordy Oi, get back to training Cordy
@landon.baker: @zaine.cordy learn to be respectful
@zaramcadams: what's the bulldogs thing doing in this gc?
@goulding43: How am I even meant to respond that? @zaine.cordy
@zaine.cordy: @landon.baker Shut up bread boy. But also your Scarlett says hi

I knew that Zaine couldn't remain apart of the group chat any longer.

The appointment with the specialist went well. Nate seemed to be adjusting well to the exercises that were given to him. The specialist was surprised considering that he struggled to move when he first regained consciousness.

"You seem to be doing well so far Mr Sutton. So let's get you doing something that'll challenge your muscles a bit." The specialist added softly, gesturing to the empty seat nearby.

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