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authors note: just noticed this book has hit 4K reads. it's pretty unbelievable that bones has reached the milestone as this series draws to an end. thank you to those who have read one chapter right through to those that have stuck around up until now. i appreciate it soo much 🥺🤍


"I don't have any further information for you, sorry." The nurse admitted whilst she collected the barely-touched food tray that next to me.

"Oh." I muttered out loud and watched the redhaired woman make her way out of the room.

All I could was just sit here and wait for someone to tell me any new updates on Daniel. Or better yet, someone could let me know how much longer I needed to stay in the hospital. The doctors wanted to keep me here for more tests. Apperently, they wanted to be sure that I didn't have any long-term impact after being pulled out from the fire.

It concerned me more than anything else that I was yet to hear about Daniel. Surely, that had to mean bad news? The entire time I've been here, I hadn't seen my cousin show any sign that he was going to be waking up.

I rolled over and let out a sigh. It was a challenge, but I did my best to ignore the soreness overtaking my body. Although there wasn't much time to think about any pain since Marcus was at the door.

"Marcus?!" I exclaimed, watching him make his way into the room.

"I came down here as soon as I could. God, I'm so sorry, Scarlett. Tom didn't need to do that to you." He admitted.

"You're not - Zac Fisher said that there was an arrest -"

"Tom was arrested. I mean, I was questioned by police because they wanted to know how the fire started. But they quickly worked out who was in the wrong, let me go, and arrested Tom." Marcus explained. I slowly nodded my head.

"It's good to see you. It's been a while, hasn't it?" I joke, but I struggled to put a smile on my face.

"This isn't going to change anything, I know. But I'm partly to blame for how things played out. If I hadn't had come to your house to get away from Tom, then nobody would have been put in danger -"

"I don't blame you for anything. Besides, I know what you did, Marcus. You and my neighbour pulled me out from the fire. I can't be mad at you because of that." I tell him as he shook his head.

"That was all your neighbour. I'm not the one you should be praising." He sighed.

"Marcus, you helped to save my life. I'll always be thankful for that." I exclaim.

"I just did what I could. I couldn't just sit by and do nothing while you and your baby were inside." He added as I looked at him with a smile.

"See Trent, that's why you listen to me and not Josh's sister. That woman was gonna get us lost." Jordanah's voice boomed out loud as she barged into the room suddenly.

"It's you again." Marcus exclaimed as he let out a sigh.

Trent soon walked in the room and glanced at me. He then turned his attention back onto his phone, as if he had better places. He wasn't ever going to forgive me for Josh getting shot, was he?

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