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As I stared at my phone screen, I let out a sigh.

Tears filled my eyes as I watched the video of Nate talking about the upcoming NBA Summer League. Video content of him was bound to pop up in my feed. Living in Melbourne made it easy to avoid any chance of running into him again. It was a different story online with all the sports accounts I followed via social media.

Though I was glad to see him doing what he loved. I was glad to hear that Chet was doing well ahead of his first season with the team, too.

From what I heard whilst speaking with the other basketball writers at Code, the event is a huge deal. I hope that the league over there appreciates Nate much as I do.

"Ew. I'm never asking Zaine for a movie recommendation again. Plus, it should be a hate crime to say the main character looks like Trent. Such an insult to my very handsome boyfriend." Jordanah rambled.

Handsome is a bit too generous if I was being honest. But I was glad the film she was watching distracted her, so she couldn't see what I was up to.

As the video concluded, I switched off my phone and put it down on the table.

"Where are Ryder, Summer, and Autumn today?" I ask to distract myself from thinking anymore about my ex.

Chris had gotten in my head with his comment, and I didn't like it. I wasn't still in love with anyone. My only focus was on raising this baby with Josh by my side.

"The twins are with Jordan's mum since she's hardly had a chance to spend time with them. Ryder's hanging with Charlie." Jordanah remarked, shoving a handful of popcorn in her mouth.

"Oh." I quietly say.

"What? Got a problem with who my kids are hanging with?" She snapped at me as I wiped my eyes. I noticed the blonde soften her expression at me.

"I've never had a problem with your parenting." I sigh, pushing my phone onto the table.

"I'm just messing with you, Scarlett. I genuinely didn't mean to upset you." She explained.

"It's not you. I'm just missing - the pregnancy is making me a mess today." I explain, noticing her frown.

"Yeah, having a baby does do that. Well, I felt like that with Ryder. Though when I had the twins, I was the opposite of sad." She casually shared.

"What, happy?" I asked in confusion.

"Nope. Hor-"

"SHIT!" Daniel screamed out from the room as I immediately turned around.

"Daniel? What happened?!" I shouted out.

"Nothing. I fell over. Don't send your friend up since I know you're pregnant and won't want to move unless you need to." He yelled back as I rolled my eyes. Daniel was a top criminal lawyer, but he was also a klutz behind closed doors.

"Anyway." Jordanah sang, laying herself down on the sofa. "You're missing someone? You were saying something before your cousin made a fool of himself."

"No. I'm not missing - Yeah, I'm missing Josh since he's over in Perth." I say, immediately looking over at the TV screen.

"You know, Zaine thought I was crazy because I wanted you to be with Josh and not that old dinosaur. But like look how hot you look with Josh. You guys belong together. " Jordanah excitedly squealed, clapping her hands together.

I bowed my head down, immediately hearing Chris' voice in my head.

"I know that you're still in love with Nate."

Smoke and Bones (Smoke #4)Where stories live. Discover now