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"So, how was Monique's engagement party? I noticed from the Instagram pictures that the place looked incredibly tacky." Jordanah mumbled and lifted her feet up onto the coffee table.

I glared at her, annoyed that she'd do that in my own house.

Speaking of own houses, Jordanah moved into a new place. I think she was more recently living with a sibling before deciding enough was enough.

Although she had a place of her own, I could see her surprise visits here would continue for a little while longer. Or at least the time I remained in Melbourne.

"Could you get your feet off the table? No offence, but that's gross that your bare feet are on there." I add in disgust. The blonde let out an annoyed groan and turned to face me.

"You don't like my bare feet on the table. Yet you have no issue if your bare toes are in your boyfriend's mouth." Jordanah added and scrunched her face.

"I don't know who you're talking to, but we do not do that Jordanah." I say squinting my eyes.

The things that come out of this girl's mouth sometimes never ceases to amaze me.

"The engagement party Scarlett. How did it go?" She asked with wide eyes.

"It was alright. The food was nice, and the scenery was pretty too. It seemed like everyone had a good time." I say with a shrug.

"I cannot believe that she didn't invite me. I mean really. It's like she's forgotten that I used to be a Carlton wag too." The blonde mother added in disappointment.

"I wouldn't have any idea why she didn't invite you." I say casually.

"Okay. I get why you and Nate were there. You're a United wag. The players from the team that were there, makes sense. Then you had Zac, Olivia, Jack, and the rest of them. Yep. But for me not to be invited is confusing. Like what the hell? Even my idiot ex scored an invite. Plus Zaine and Ed were there?" Jordanah grumbled.

"I don't think Charlie was there. I didn't see him." I point out.

"Yeah. Well, you know who else you didn't see Scarlett? ME!" She shouted out loud.

"I don't understand why Zaine and Ed were there either. You gotta ask them that. But you didn't miss much. It was just an engagement party. You'll probably get an invitation to the actual wedding, whenever that might be." I say tiredly.

"Oh. I forgot to tell you, but the place I found was in the South Melbourne area. Ah, I'm so happy that Josh was able to find me a place. I bet Ryder and the twins are going to be thrilled too." She added and clapped her hands together.

"You and Josh are still talking?" I ask curiously.

"Yeah. I mean, he's still a bit annoyed about me breaking up with his brother. But he said it's between us two and that he's not like gonna cut me out of his life completely." Jordanah added with a shrug.

"On that note. How's it going with Trent?" I ask casually.

"Wonderfully. I think that me and him have got a good thing going on. If nobody tries to ruin it that is." Jordanah added coldly, as she glared at me. I raised an eyebrow at her comment.

"Is that a dig at me or what's going on?" I question the blonde.

"Nope. Not you, but that ex of his. I heard from Ashleigh that she's gotten wind about me and isn't happy." Jordanah explained.

"Why did you glare at me like that?" I ask in confusion.

"Oh sorry. I was thinking about her and got annoyed. You were there, so the glare just happened naturally. " Jordanah added with a shrug.

Smoke and Bones (Smoke #4)Where stories live. Discover now