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It had been some time since I had done the interview with Channel 10. It also had been some time since I interviewed with a few other places.

But of course I screwed up at every single one.

Maybe it was just me? All the hopes and dreams as an aspiring journalist had now died and nothing I could do would ever bring it back. I had nothing going for me right now. No job, nothing to strive for or to make me wake up in the mornings. And even though I had Andrew, I still couldn't help but to feel miserable.

Scrolling through the job listings that I found online, each one made me feel even more horrible - if that was possible.

Nothing seemed to have made me feel the same way as I whilst working at Fox Sports.

Oh wow, I thought to myself. You saved a man's life. But at what cost? He was hardly surviving himself and I was dealing with some kind of messed up identity crisis.

I knew I had to focus and stop acting like a bitch.

What was there on offer right now? There was a job vacancy at a local newspaper. Another vacancy for a small time soccer team. Bet Joe would smirk at the thought of me mingling with the young talent like the slut I assumed he thought of me.

I could have applied to them all since I was desperate to make money and not have to depend on Andrew to pay for the wedding.

But it made no difference to what I applied for, because I was going to be rejected anyway.

Fuck this. Fuck it all.

The loud knock at the door made me jump as I sighed with annoyance, pushing aside my laptop. I walked over to the door and braced myself for whoever was on the otherwise. Aarohi. Pulling the door open, I felt my expression soften as I watched in confusion the red head standing in front of me.

"Hey." Ed shyly answered as he looked up at me, his expression remaining the same with the seconds rolling by.

"It's good to see that you've calmed down a little." I added nervously, observing the slender boy dressed head to toe in Nike clothing. I had to admit it was a little surprising to see the redhead at my doorstep. Considering everything that had happened lately, I didn't pick the boy to be one to shallow his pride.

"I just - wanted to speak to you. That's all." He added quickly.

"Come in Ed. Please, come in!" I gestured as kindly as I could and shut the door behind him as he entered the apartment.

The room was quiet. Other than the passing cars that faintly faded past, neither of us said a word to each other. This whole Olivia thing had everyone a little shaken up. Mainly Ed as his name was being dragged in the mud too. But also my own, Zaine's and possibly Anna.

"I'm happy to see you again." I added and let out a small smile as he looked up at me. He returned favour before quickly glancing down at the ground beneath him.

"Yeah, I'm happy to see you too Wilde." He finally spoke after what felt like eternity. It was clear there was some tension between us. I didn't blame him. We'd both been dragged into a police investigation that had nothing to do with us. "You're probably wanting to know about what happened at the station this afternoon."

"Wait. You were at the station this afternoon?"

"Yeah. I got called in by your friend -"

"The detective is not my friend Edward." I interjected as he just rolled his eyes.

"- As I was saying. That detective called me in. She said she wanted to talk about the whole Olivia situation. Obviously I didn't want to because I'm trying so hard to move past it. But since she's a cop, I agreed to speak."

Smoke and Bones (Smoke #4)Where stories live. Discover now