Chapter 67

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I don't think this is her though in the video.👆

Rey walked towards Rose to the line.

"I can't believe it we are graduating," Rose said.

"I could for me but not for you," Rey said.  Rose turns to her with sad eyes.

"Come in Rose I know you also thought that way too," Rey said. Rose smiles and starts to laugh with her mouth closed.

"Hey, guys," Emma said." Hey" Rose and Rey said.

"Guess who getting valic vvctorian," Emma said.

"You are how," Rey asked." I kissed the teacher". Rey and Rose look at Emma.

"Just kidding Maya Slandboy is the valic victorian" Emma said. Rey and Rose laugh and they get ready for the ceremony.

After an hour they get ready to get their diploma. Rey smiles as Rose grabs her." I DID IT" she said.

Rey laughs and she went to grab her diploma. Her teacher looks at her and smiles." I will miss you always Rey" she said.

Rey smiles and they both hug. Rey waves to the crowd and walked down. After the graduation, Rey walks with Finn, Poe, Rose, and Emma to the police department.

"Rey are you sure you are ready to see you, dad," Poe asked.

"They let me see him for these past months till his court day past and it did so I could see him and I promise him I said I would," Rey said.

They walk with her in and once she said her name the let her in and the other sat out and waited for her.

Rey on a chair waiting for her dad. Once she saw her dad walk through the door they both embrace with a hug.

"Hi Rey how are you," he asked." I'm good I graduated today that good" Rey said.

They both sat down and started to talk." I'm having a baby boy and I'm five months about to go to six" Rey said.

He smiles." Okay, Rey how is it with your aunt" He asked.

"Okay but her husband is looking at me weird, he been touching me and staring at me in a weird way it's scaring me," Rey said.

"You should tell Mia I mean for all we know he could be trying to take advantage of you," He said.

"Okay, well me time up I will come to visit again soon, I promise," Rey said.

He hugs her and Rey walks out of the room. The guards took him back to his cell.

Rey looks at her friends and they leave.

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