Road Ahead

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One night, my girlfriend, Jenny, was driving a country road. She had her headlights on and there were cornfields that seemed to stretch on forever. Slowly going up the roads, she suddenly saw something on the middle of the road. Hitting the brakes, the car screeched into a freeze.

Staring out through the windshield, she could see a man. Though Jenny wasn't able to identify his face, it looked like he was injured.

She was about to get out of the car and try helping him, but the tingles spreading through her spine made her hesitated. Something wasn't right - her gut told her to stay in the car.

Glaring at the man, she felt like she was stuck in a trace. On a spur of moment, the man lying on the floor clocked his head around to burn into her curious eyes.

My girlfriend drove into the cornfield with her heart racing. Soon, she hit back to the road accelerating. Looking at the rear view mirror, Jenny saw the man got up and run into the cornfield.

Finally reaching town, she immediately alerted the police and explained what she had witnessed. After a while, they followed her back to the road.

In the crushed corn stalks by the side, they found two dead men. They happened to be crushed over. When my girlfriend skittered off the road to the cornfields, she had accidentally killed the unknown man's accomplices.

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