4th of July Interactive Special

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 On July 4th, 1776, the Declaration of Independence was officially issued. It was a break away from Britain's unfair taxes and their mercantilism. Like a "screw-you-all" letter (I can't help it - I'm a nerd of everything). 

 That's why I think 4th of July is a cool day to celebrate! Since I'm bored of continuously doing plain stories over and over, I would like to do an interactive short. Yas and it will be great! :D

Enough of me blabbering. Just keep reading.... 


A Serial Murderer 

"You're such a party pooper Jade," I pouted. 

"I'm not wearing that," she replied. 

"Fine. I bought it for you so here ya go." 

 I threw the fox onesie on her hoping she would at least admire the cuteness. Instead, she puts it next to her without a thought. Just before I start complaining, Kaitlyn burst out of the door as a panda. I clapped in excitement - it was the perfect size. 

"Still planning to marry your very-fine yellow robe?" Kaitlyn joked. 

"Ha ha," Jade rolled her eyes. 

"We could've been a trio. Panda, koala, and a fox. That's too adorable admit the truth," I tried to convince her again. 

"If we're going to have a sleepover, I need this robe. I fall asleep immediately wearing it. By the way, I bought the fireworks for you all," she objected. 

Kaitlyn and I looked doubtfully to each other. Finally, we gave up and accepted her choice. 

 Jade suggested that we watch "Baby Driver", which I would love to see again and again - the greatest film solid. Halfway through the movie, the movie buffered and failed to reboot. I groaned as I flipped through the only channel that was working - the news.

Instantly, in a flashing red outline, a warning announced:  

"A man around 5'8 feet tall wearing multiple layers of black clothing is considered fully armed. Suspicion says that he is at Parkson Street in Fayetteville, Arkansas. The police department is in a lookout for this man. If you find him, please call 911 immediately.

"Whoa, that's awful. On 4th of July?" Kaitlyn commented. 

"Don't worry, I have my house fully protected. The kale chips in the oven is close to crisps!" I sang. 

 When I was about to open the door, the lights failed on me. There, we sat in darkness. The only light source was the moon gleaming out my window. Shoot, did I pay my bills? 

"College struggles," I chuckled. 

"Tell me-" 

A loud knock interrupted Jade. 

"Oh! That's the pizza! What a coincidence," I said. 

"Or is it the murderer on the news?" Kaitlyn taunted. 

"Pft. Nonsense...." I brushed it off. 


Check the front door -- go to #8 
Check the pizza delivery's GPS -- go to #5

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