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 There was once an old homeless man who didn't have teeth. Everyday, he would sleep in the alleys and dawdle around the streets looking for food. When the man found something to eat, he would mush the food with his bare gums. 

 Until one fateful night, he searched through garbage and spotted something. The man squatted down to inspect it a little closer. Sitting in a pool of blood, a pair of cosmetic teeth was discovered. 

 Amazed, he clean it up with a grimy rag and popped them inside his mouth. They were perfection! The man wanted to try out his new pair of teeth, so he took a rotten apple and gobbled it. The cosmetic teeth was incredibly workable too. 

 However, his stomach was not at rest just yet. He scouted through the alleyway attempting to eat more. Soon, the man collected a leftover squash, rotten grapes, and moldy cauliflower. Immediately after the scout, he devoured the food as if it was pure air. 

No matter how much he intakes, the homeless man still was hungry.  

 He then spotted a stray dog casually sniffing the garbage cans. The man tackled the dog down and ate the poor dog head to toe. He was still hungry. 

 Later on, a police found a homeless gnawing on a fire hydrant. He commanded the man to stop whatever he was doing, but when the homeless turned his face, the police saw the largest pair of teeth he had ever seen. 

 In a blink of an eye, the police drew his gun, but the man already pounced on him like a tiger. He roared in famish as he finished his meal within seconds. 

 In a few days, he began to realized the streets were deserted. The man was still hungry despite wolfing down a child an hour ago. He desperately glared at his own hand. So hungry... starving to death! His hand was so beautiful that the clacking teeth chomped it. 

 Couldn't stop his pleasure, the homeless man continue to demolish his own self. Blood spurted out of his veins, but he didn't care one single bit. The cosmetic teeth clawed, clashed, and sliced through the flesh as if that was their main purpose. 

To eat forever without pausing a breath. 

 A homeless wrinkly woman passed by and found a pair of cosmetic teeth laying on a pool of blood. With no teeth, she tried to put them on. Perfect fit. The woman proceeded to walk, thinking how famished her stomach is.

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