I'm On Vacation

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 Nick was going on vacation with his family. Two of his brothers, brother's wife and 2 children. The car couldn't fit 6 people so, Nick choose to grab his car and caravan. 

 They drove for around 2 hours through the bumpy roads and had a flat tire. Nick went to fix the flat tire for a while. The brothers wanted to stay and wait but Nick convinced them to go on. The kids were getting tired and must keep moving. Finally, they reluctantly agree and left Nick alone.  He told them he'll be fine alone and catch up with them in his car. 

 His relatives drove off and Nick was still on the flat tire. When he was finally done, he called his brothers on the phone. 

 No answer. 

 Nick shrugged it off and went driving a couple of miles. He called his brothers one more time. Still no answer. Soon enough, the sky darkens gradually and there was no where to stay. Suddenly, he glanced to see a cabin in the distance. He then drove to the cabin for a stay and left a message in his phone, 

 "Hi Jack, this is Nick. I'm spending a night in this cabin on the plains. I'll be okay, see you tomorrow and take care!" 

 He knocked on the door and the owner of the cabin gladly let him in. The old aged man asked if he was hungry. Nick accepted the request and sit tight for the food. The owner was making a meatloaf and gave it to him. He took a few bites and realized the dinner didn't taste like meatloaf. 

 "What is this? Freaking amazing!" exclaimed Nick. 

 "It's a dish I called, Com Me Famieris" replied the man with a hidden smirk.

 Confused what that means Nick questioned, 

 "What does that mean?" 

 The owner's grin widens and answered, "The Tasty Relatives!" 

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