Miss Moon #2

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 Oops. The flowers smashed onto the floor - same with the vase. Dio wasn't injured somehow. Well, I hope he was.

"Explain Ally!" Pita ran to the scene with smoke blasting out her ears.

 I pointed at the guilty one. 

"Dio knocked down the vase!" I honestly said. He meowed innocently at her. Nice act you have there. She kneel and noticed that his fur was wet. 

"Are you lying? If Dio did this, his precious coat has to be seco! Dry!" her voice grew hoarse. 

"Duh! That was an accident while doing his mischievous action!" I crossed my arms. "I'm calling papa about this." 

"Get away from my sight now!" Pita bellowed. How dare she yell at me! 

 I charged out the back door. 

"Gato estupido. The stupidest cat," I mumbled under my breath. 

 I sniffled; he is nothing but trouble. Trouble trouble trouble. I looked at the band-aid. I am being treated like a slave. I sneezed twice to realized I'm surrounded by flowers. This is a flower garden! 

 I collected a sunflower and smelled deeply. I sneezed for the third time. Really? Guess sunflowers aren't my thing. At the corner of my eye, I saw a bundle of carnations and lilies. The more I stare, the more they look prettier. 

 The carnations were multi-colored and popped with saturated colors. The lilies had a magnificent gradient that bloomed. Couldn't hold my excitement, I snatched a dozen. Then I saw some unknown flower. I described the blossom as a "pom-pom".  I immediately idolize it and snatched a few. 

 I dug my nose inside the bundles of bouquet. Suddenly, I had a sneeze attack. 



 I kept rubbing my nose with repugnance. Why don't the flowers like me? In a full-dress hatred face, I dumped the entire trash inside Pita's pond. Nature doesn't love me! 

"Ugh! I hate this place!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. 

 My aunt raced for my emergency. I thought she didn't want to see me. I guess my scream sounded like I was dying. 

"Ally, que pasa?" Pita spoke in perplexity. 

"Nothing is wrong!" I stomped stubbornly. 

 "My flowers!" 

 She reached her hand out in the pond and clutched the wilted flowers. A dead silence screeched. 



"One last chance." 

I exploded in frustration. 

"You treat me as a low class! Dio scratched me, you blamed me, and now giving me a complaint about foolish flowers!" 

 Before she said anything, I interrupted. 

"I'm calling Papa!" 

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