The Skeleton That Never Quits

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 In 1983, there was two guys who enrolled at the same college. Donald and Gurworth also chooses to do science. They soon become good partners until one day Donald made a biggest mistake on Gurworth's life. No one knows what is that big mistake but the problem made Donald fleeing away from Gurworth. 

 Donald runs away from Gurworth because he was planning to kill him. Despite Donald running away from a lunatic, Gurworth is always behind him, clutching a knife behind his back. Donald went off to the trains, subway, and even the plane. The crazy nicompoop never quits, so does the person who runs his butt off to whatever. 

 Eventually, Donald decided to take a rest at a nearby church. He went up at the grand center and starts to pray. He prayed that Gurworth is chasing him and never give it up. That seems to be too late. 

 Gurworth is already at the entrance holding a knife ready to murder him. The butthead still prays to god that he wants to get out of the situation. Behind Donald, his lips turned into a menacing smile. Suddenly, the church bells ranged and Gurworth felt a agonizing pain by his side. At the end, the nuthead survived while his pursuer died. 

 After 2 years, Donald was a famous scientist and discovered many possibilities in the future. He has his own lab, equipment, books, etc... Also, in the corner of his lab there was a broken skeleton, so Donald settle on buying a new one. The delivery was sent to him in 4 days and one of his scientists friends help putting the parts in.  The horror had not end yet!

  His partner told Donald that he keeps hearing faint noises near the corner. Rather to see if the statement was true, he shrugged it off and told him the noises was just his imagination. On the weekend, Donald did a chemical experiment and when he was finished cleaning, he swore that he felt something on his neck. What he felt was the skeleton's hand wrapping around his neck. Panicking, Donald desperately tried to pry it off but the skeleton was extremely strong. 

  Few hours past and the janitor was cleaning the halls and rooms. He knocked on Room 12 but no answer. The janitor reluctantly peeked a little and his eyes went wide. Donald was lying dead on the tense ground with bony fingers printed on his neck. 

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