Arrival Of The Past Part 6 and Between

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A short chapter to connect to the one just before, that falls right after part 6, but this isn't even part 7 yet. just thought I would put this in between chapter in for more detail updates.


Way back in domino city different time zone from Egypt. Yusei was out in the park with his duel runner. Usually, on a sunny day like today, the dark spiky haired duelist was happy and calm. However, was a different story.

*Ring! ring!* Yusei's phone suddenly started blasting it's ringtone, causing the raven-haired man to grab it out of his jean pocket. Brining it to his hear, he breathed.

{" Hello Yusei..!?"} It was Jack, his friend.

"Jack! What news do you have?"
{" Well, It's clear from what was going on. Even Kaiba himself has no sure idea why ____ has gone missing."}

" back to square one.I guess...?" This made Yusei frustrated. {" It's been weeks! Yusei, since she vanished. Even after telling us she was meeting with friends."}

"More like a good 4 months. We can't give up though. Still....remember Jack. Kaiba, himself is the main this city. If something is really wrong in this city of ours, he will get to the bottom of it. She was working in Kaiba Corp's office after all right?"

{"Yes, that's true. I guess we need to hope for the best. Still I won't give up. I will live my life, thinking every day she will return to us here."}

"Good plan, Let's hope Kaiba has some idea hint, that he isn't telling the world, or us. To keep it low profile. After all. We...came here, leaving everything behind us. That's how we met ____."

{" Oh, Yusei. I need to go. I work soon. ____ would have my head, seeing if I didn't keep up my end."}

"Haha, glad to see all her motives, and sternness helped even a bit. Alright, Jack sees you guys later. Bye"

{" Good day"}

With that, the friend's greeted farewell to each other.
'Ha..., glad to see Jack finally taking his job more seriously at the cafe, even if it's pricey coffee.' Yusei looked across the park.

Yusei didn't mind honestly the expensive coffee anymore. Since the financial state was doing much better these days. Ever since the disappearance. Kaiba as an apology like a business man, sent a good amount of money in the mail. Apologizing for how his employee vanished, and this should never have happened.
Kaiba wasn't all bad, but when it came to the law, and doing more human stuff, not ruining his business name. He usually did what was best. Even he knew some things better in life. Ever since what happened after Atem left us, and along with the rivalry of Kaiba. Kaiba still want's that rematch, and is hell-bent on getting it. By the use of his tech that he worked countless hours, and days on to make it the best.

Still, somehow Yusei, and Jack believed that I was alright enough and alive. Thinking if something horrible would have happened to me, they would of somehow known.

Still what Yusei and other's did not know. Was that Kaiba himself was not in Domino City.

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