Arrival of the Past Part5

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Nodding my head, I looked towards the direction to where Dark stood alone with Ruby, Dark Magician Girl and Amethyst Cat. Rainbow Dragon was too big to come out. Diva kept his eyes focused to what seemed to the right spot.

"Alright." I stood up, next to my seat, and just like that the figures of my duel spirits came to be.

Diva looked at me with confusion, patients, and curiosity in his eyes. From what I saw he couldn't figure out what was going on.

* Tap...tap..* I walked over to the side of the room.

'Ha... alright Dark...let's do this. P-please don't move. I'll move to the side.'

With a soft nod of the blonde magician, I step to the side.

"I never told anyone before. However, there are a few who know now." Just as I spoke to Diva who gave his full attention to me. Dark appeared to him. Standing tall with a neutral look on his face.

"I..can see some...duel spirits."

I didn't expect the calm, layed back reaction by the bluenette. A light smile suddenly shot up on his face. "Oh, hello there." He greeted the blonde.

"No..., this isn't strange at all. * Diva uncrossed his legs, with a smile* It just means you are special. By the looks of the magician's face. He seems to be a great friend of yours."

I was shocked, but also very happy. "I'm not exactly sure what I should call you, but it's nice to meet you. Duel spirit of miss____."

Dark stepped forward a bit, with a slight bow of his head. " You may call me Dark. Lady _____ here says he same."

"Dark..., very well. You are welcome to stay if you want. I'm sure, _____ would like that." Diva took a sip of his tea.

"Is this true..?" Dark looked at me a bit concerned. I never told him that. "I..uh.....well.."

"Haha.., very well then." Chuckled the magician. Getting the hint he stayed with us to wait out the sand storm.

"Diva..?" I poked at my small meal. "Yes?" He questioned looking back up at me. Dark sat at the table meditating a bit, as we talked. Honestly he was starting to be more like Mahad. The way he talked, the way he acted. I guess Mahad's ancient self, and gently personality was rubbing off on him.

"D-do... you have any family near by?" 'Great! is that what you need to ask??? I guy you barely know!??' Dark shot his one crystal blue eye open at my shout, startling him a bit.

"N-no it's fine. You don't know much of me, it's only fair. I....did have a bigger family way back when I was a child, but not anymore. My younger sister is still around , but I was separated from her a few days ago. It's nothing to really worry about, it has happened before. That's what happens when you live in Egypt."

" Oh... I see... w-what's her name..?" I held back a bit. "Sera." He said in a calm tone. She seemed nice, but I felt bad...she was younger than Diva...I hoped she way alright.

What will I do now? Travel with Diva till I find my way back home to Yusei? Or head to the past where Yugo, Yuto, and Shay still sat. Mahad....also.. most likely knew I vanished. Would it even be safe to head back???

What was the so called safe place now?

- To be Continued

(Yu-Gi-Oh) Different Golden Gems  Atem X Reader X Diva/AigamiUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum