Arrival of the Past Part 2

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The sun was starting to go down..., as we began to slow down. There was a small section of trees not to far from us in the sand. It was like a mini paradise. There was 3 trees with grass, and a small random patch of water. Possible rain that happened not more than a few hours ago.

"Alright men! We shall rest here. Water your horses, for this may be fate, and luck that we will see anymore of water." Mahad's voice called to us. '...I'm not a man...' Still my horse wasn't one I minded to give water to. I pulled over to the side of the patch of grass, and dismounted.

My legs hurt, as I landed causing me to wobble a bit, but stood fast. I clicked to my horse lightly to follow me. I let to of the reins, as my horse drank the water. "...." I kept a neutral face, but still things spun in my head.

It was dark now. I was given some food by one of the men. It was not..Mahad who gave it to me. I looked down at the wrapped food. I didn't want to eat. For some reason, I didn't feel like I deserved it. Or was it because I questioned the sorcerer of Mahad's trust?

It could of been poisoned for all knew. But it was highly unlikely. I sat the farthest back leaving against a tree. 'You know..., you should eat.'

Dark's voice spoke to me, as he was not standing looking out with arms crossed. '..I know..., but I don't feel like it.'

With a sigh Dark turned, held out something from his hands. "??" I blinked at the little container. 'At least drink something.' He held it out to me.

"??" 'What's this?' I tilted my head, as I took it. I opened it up, as a sweet fragrance hit me. ' It's fruit juice. I kept some from the palac.'

' smells nice. * sipped it* But how did you keep it fresh? I could of one bad by now.' I whispered in my mind.

' I am a magician as well. My magic can do this much.'

''s great.' I kept drinking. Till it hit me. Wondering, if Mahad could see Dark with me right now? he was very powerful I wouldn't be surprised, but that could-

'!!! Mh' I gulped.

Making Dark's eyes go wide. 'What is it ___?' He asked concerned. 'Dark, Mahad might see you! my cover might be blown if you are out..!!'

His eyes lit up, in apology. 'Of course, how careless of me. I shall take my leave then. If you need someone to talk to I still can.' With that Dark's body vanished.'

' 💨Ha....that was close..' Because the second he vanished, Mahad was looking in my direction.

I pulled down against the tree to rest, with my sword at side. I thought some rest wouldn't hurt. I felt bad for avoiding Mahad, but I had no choice.

I had my hood cover my head, to shield me from bugs. I hated them soo much. 'Wait, Dark.... could you do me a favor.....could you somehow keep bugs away from me....'

'Sure......' His voice replied. As I rested for a few hours, Dark burned any bug that was to come near me. Shooting a line of magical purple flame out, burning the the thing right away.

My eyes opened up slowly..., to a strange sound. "" It sounded like panting.

Not like a human's but something else, it was more heavy. "??" I felt a chill hit me.

'______..' Dark's voice warned. 'I know.' I replied not moving. We were surrounded.

Something had us trapped in the patch of grass. Many of the others were asleep. More like all of them. I was the only one awake as far as it seemed. 'C-crap..' I could see something move around us Glowing...yellow, and green dots floated around us. This was totally a horror movie now.

I couldn't move to grab my sword in worries of those things lunging at us as. Maybe killing a few of us in a fooling mistake. I was their hope now, as I watch their movements. 'Keep your eyes on them Dark.

'Yes ____.'

I hated this, I was their only hope, and I couldn't do anything yet. Sad to say, I needed them to move first, to bring out a plan.

Suddenly a low.. growel came. "Grrrr.....!' And just like that in a flash. '_____!!!!!!!' Dark shouts. As something shoves me over. "Gh...!' *CLING!* I grabbed my sword just in time, and aimed it up, to pushed the-

desert wolf off me.

" wake up!!!!" I shout.


"Men we are surrounded!"

"FIGHT!" Shout's of orders, came as the wolves started attacking us. Howls, and growls flooded this area.

"Hyah..!" I pushed the wolf off. As more jumped at me. 'Are you alright!!!?' 'YES. I'll hold the off with my life. It's the only way to live.' 'I'll keep watch, and warn you.'

"HYa!!" I pushed them off. As their claws tried to scratch at me. Biting jaws, sharp teeth. 'From the left!!!!"

*CHING!* I shoved back the wolf. Slamming my blade into it, as it screamed.

'RIGHT!!' Dark called to me, as I kicked the wolf with my foot, nailing it in the face. Until another came out of nowhere, and shoved me over. Slamming me into the ground.

'____!!!!!!' Dark shouts in horror, seeing me go down. As that happens, Mahad's eyes widen seeing me fall to the dirt. To him it was the magician in training, but if he only saw it would be the others.

'Some one men! quickly! save her! she is a young one in training!' Mahad points his staff towards me. Shooting a stream of violet, and gold magic towards me. Getting closer.

*SIP!* Just like that the wolf's claws dig into my arm. "NGH..!!" As blood begins to pool, but just as I was about to push it back, and get bitten at the same time. A large streak of violet, and gold goes flying over my head. 'GGRRRwwrwrww!' Thewolf shouts in pain, as it was forced off me. I felt the blast of wind even after wards. Mahad's magic was incredibly strong, and he wasn't even using all of it, in concern it might hit me.

"Are you alright miss!!' A voiced called to me from the distance it was him, and a few others watched as they saw me slowly stand up gripping my arm, that now had a large. long...bloody mark running down it. It shredded my cloths there as well.

I looked up, and stood, taking a few steps back. My hood was now off my head. " I'm fine. Do not worry." I gave a weary smile.

"!!!!" Mahad's eyes flash in shock. Finding out it was me who stood ahead of them. Came with them out here, and even saved their lives. "N-no way!Lady _____!" Everyone's eyes widen knowing that name all too well. As it was burned into them by Atem, and rumors going around. The one deemed to keep safe.

"Heh.. " I panted, trying to take in breaths. The only thing that kept them from getting here was a wall of wolves.

"_____!!!" Mahad called. He began to shove wolves away, stabbing them, getting himself bloody, in order to reach me before I fell. The blood one me could not go unmissed.

I took one more step back wobbling, and Mahad shoved the last wolf out of the way, and ran towards me. "Lady _____!!!" He called.

Suddenly everything went black behind me, and began swallowing me in. I could here Mahad call for me, I felt myself go crashing backwards into the ground. But something was off.

Just as Mahad made it to where I was arms stretched out in attempt to catch me. I was gone in the blink of a eye. Causing him to fall forward, towards the dirt, as his fist came down into the ground.

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