Cutting Crystal

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While Yusei, and Crow where out looking for food. I felt like I was ordered to not move from this room.
'..Ugh....why me....' ( Well....______, you aren't feeling well, right?) Yami replied to me from the corner of the room where he leaned against the wall with his arms crossed. Well that was his way of relaxing.
I sat on the edge of the bed, not wanting to lay down, but sadly I couldn't even stand on my two feet. Unless.....

".....ugh....Y....Yu...go..............." I called out into the room.

No reply.

"Y...uuuugo......!" I said a little louder, hopping he could hear me.
(_____, something wrong?)

*Click* The door opened, just cutting Yami's words off.

"Y...ugo...." 'Finally, god...! where did he go too....I'm dying here, and he leaves.'

His eyes dropped down at me, hearing my sickly voice. "Need something?" He walked over still wearing his turbo duelling suite. I was about to answer before he cut me off. "You shouldn't be up...!, you should be laying down."

"...I'm fine, I can't sleep anymore." I said in a dull voice. But he didn't buy it. He shakes his blonde locks in the front." You may say that but...-"

*Boo* Suddenly I see Yami directly behind Yugo, giving me that deep look with his violet yes.
"W-WAahh.....!-" I accidentally shout making Yugo jump. His baby blue eyes wide. Making me clamp my hand over my mouth.
"💦💨Ha Ha__-__ W-what was that? you scared me." I could feel the sweat drop down the side of my face under my hair. I blink my eyes seeing Yami gone.
'💦The hell.......'

"..ah....ah....., haha I'm sorry I thought I saw something. My bad...haha...!" I tried to laugh it off, but Yugo still looked at me shocked with questions. The partly blonde took a step towards me. Leaning forward he looked right at my face.

'!!!!' I could feel my pulse rise. I was not use to having a guy or anyone looking at me so close. "Ah.Y-"
"AhhA!! I knew it you are cold!!"
His voice made me jump back in surprise. " I'm sick. It's normal."
He sighed for a moment. "Your type... really doesn't like to sleep when being sick huh."
"M-mmy type..!?" I exclaimed, but Yugo here was draining out my words. He was Not paying attention to me. Then it hit me. If it was true like he said. Maybe I could go outside. It was the perfect plan, plus I wanted to see if this place changed while I was gone. 'Okay, time to get my plan running heh.' I didn't realise the frantic Yami waving to me, trying to get my attention.

"Ah huh.? Ah yes ____?" He blinked back. " it possible if I could go outside?" I knew right away Yugo was about to go on the defensive side telling how not to, and it was bad.
"Please...., I was gone for so long. I want to see if anything changed out here. I mean if you come with, then you won't technically be breaking the rules in watching me."
He stood there for a moment, his arms on his hips thinking.
"Ha......., alright. It's the least I can do. Since you won't sleep, guess you just need to run off some steam still."

"Yaay-! *cough cough!* ....ugh......" I swallowed in pain. "💦Ah....calm down, it's no problem."

I was basically still dressed in the same cloths. I had to put on my long dark boots, that matched my long jacket. Since I was safer to ware boots on duel runners.
Yugo left my room telling me to meet him outside. I wrote a fast note to Yusei telling him I'l be back in about a hour, and not to worry.
I didn't know where my phone went since I was gone, it was like as if it vanished. My last plan of escape was to get by Jack....., he was really hard to by pass. So I very quietly tip toed down the steps bare foot, with my boots in hand. To my luck, Jack wasn't don't stares.
(.Mhh....should you really be doing this?)
'Oh..! hello Yami.' I replied in my mind. My hand travels to the deck box on my side. Then realising the necklace I was given in Egypt from Yami. I didn't want to question why he was with me, because I was happy. He could help me find my lost friends. Since I found him, why was it any different finding the others.
'I'll be fine. Your with me right, so even better.' I replied.
Yami nods from behind me. ( Yes, you are right. Some how we are connected to each other. I think this is different than with Yugi in the past. There might be more than one way I am here with you now.)

' I see, well things will come more clear later. No rush.' I smiled. Only to feel another presence next to me. I looked up from the corner of my eye, as I step off the last step. I see a flutter of dark hair mixed with blonde. ' Heh.., nice to know you are here too.'
I sneak out of Yusei, Crow, and Jack's home. My eyes landing on Yugo sitting on his duel runner, holding a pink helmet to me.
"What are you waiting for, lets go..!" He sounded so cheerful, making my sick feeling body feel like it was healing sooner.
"Right." I nod my head. Yugo held the runner steady, as I slowly pulled myself up on the back, grabbing the two bars on the side. I sat on the back that seemed to resemble a white tiger.
I slide the helmet over my hair, that has grown a lot over the time I was missing in Egypt. For the cause of that, I tied back the back half of my hair in a low ponytail. Leaving my bangs out in the front. I began sporting Yugo's side bang style for how much mine grew.
"Good?" He asks.
"I think so."
"Alright,I'll go slow first, but if you feel sick tell me."
"Mh." I nod.
Yugo started up his runner. Slowly we pulled out, and went up the steep hill leaving everything behind us.

The wind blew around us. Making me feel it through my cloths. 'Ugh.....cold...' I tried to act like it didn't bother me, but still it was only normal when one is sick. 'Hmm....' I thought to myself, as I looked at Yugo's back. Taking in how his usual white cloths looked. Don't get me wrong, it looked pretty cool. '......I wan't something like that too...' Because Yusei's, and the others cloths, and that man Kaiba's alwa-

"Omg...!" I gasped.
"W-what what is it _____?" Yugo asked in a panicked tone. "N-no...its nothing really bad."
(💦 Kind of....., boss Kaiba...., crap...he must be sooo angry...that I didn't say anything. Haha....oh god....the day I need to face him again.)
"Wwwelll, if it isn't that bad, then it's alright then. How are feeling though? still sick."
My eyes wander out to the streets. "I'm finnne...." I said while my eyes seemed to lock on a new figure, I haven't seen before.

We where going only about 40 on the road, so it was enough time, to have my eye lock on a person. No, a guy standing there in a long dark blue jacket, making his hair basically blend into it.
The figure looked up, only to make us pause for a moment.

'Uh.......' Golden was it? golden coloured hazel eyes.....
It was like if the world stopped, I almost wanted to grab Yugo by the shoulders forcing him to stop the bike right then, and there.
The images of Yugo freaking out, and slamming the breaks, coming along with some many shouts of anger at my face, on why I almost caused him a heart attack.
1................two........I nod my head slightly as we zip by the tall guy.

"??" The figure look at me in question.

Its been a few minuets before any of us said a word. All i could hear was the hum of the duel runner, an cars passing by on the other side of the road.
"....Say...Yugo-" I was about to add more, when my eyes caught onto another figure that we pasted by.

(Huh?) I blinked my eyes. I never seen this guy either before, what was going on. Did new people move into Domino City? out of the blue.
Did some crisis happen in other towns? That I keep seeing faces that I don't usually. Still, I couldn't tear my eyes away from the figure.
*T-thump T-thump!* My heart rate got faster. Those silver eyes the guy had caught me right off the bad. Midnight black hair spiked up to a slant, come to think of it, it looked a lot like Atem. The midnight black also had purple blue mix in the front of his pointed side bangs.

'Wow....., he looks nice too.....' I wanted to slap myself for thinking that. 'C_COME ON_____, JUST BECAUSE YOU ARE SINGLE You can have every guy who walks down the STREET! That looks like a ANGEL.'


"! Ah Y-yes YuYuu.... Yugi-..." I froze.

(Ah, yes _____? something the matter?) I heard Yami speak from inside my head. ( OMG! no not you, NVM!) This made Yami tilt his head in question.
'C_Crap.... I said the wrong name... There are too many !! Yu's!! in this city, or ones that I know.'

"Mhp, what was that?" The tone of his voice changed making me shutter a little. "Ah..Ah Yugo..! its nothing I'm fine." I looked at the guy once again we passed by. Funny thing that he was looking in our direction as we passed by.

"I know I just met you and all, but name is Yugo. Don't forget because it seems these days people can't remember me properly."
(!! Ah YUGO I'm sorry!) I shout to myself, knowing I hurt him without knowing that its happened before. It made me feel guilty.
"Yugo? could we stop. I want to walk."

"Ah, sure? but are you sure you can?" He sounded a little worried. I nod my head even though I knew he most likely can't see it.
"I'm sure, If you need to go some place i'll be fine alone for a little while. I'm feeling better."

"W_WHAT? are you kidding me, I am not leaving you. I'd be dead if I do."

"Just drop me off here, I won't go far anyway. You can park somewhere till. I might drop in to eat in a cafe." (..I need food....a nice warm tea would help keep me from freezing my butt off)
All I wanted to do was sneeze without them hearing it.

"Fine...., since you remembered my name." Yugo pulled over to the side of the road, having his alert lights blinking as I slid off from the back. Handing him the helmet.
"Now don't you dare go too far. I'll be back."
I nod. With that Yugo waved off.

( Hey, Yami you there?)

( Yes I am, need something?)
'Well I'm going to cross the street here. If you see Yugo close by or coming could you please tell me?'

( Sure, but is there some reason.)
I looked up at the red crossing light. ' Well, In a way yes, but its also to avoid something that could happen.'
( I see, alright then. Just please be careful.) Yami stood next to me now, then was suddenly followed by a new figure.
(Hello _____.)

"Oh." My eyes widen seeing the light turn white, meaning i can cross, but also noticing the voice behind me.
'Dark....?' I ask, as I step off the side walk, and begin walking across. Yet for some reason something felt strange as I crossed.
(Yes, it is. I'll help also. Mahad also wishes me to come keep watch. He send his regards, but is currently busy.)
'Oh, thanks.' I sigh, as I begin to cross. This cross was actually pretty long. So each step I took felt like it was in slow motion. Then my eyes snapped down to a figure in the distance ahead of me just at the edge of the park.

It was him, midnight coloured hair guy, with that long dark cloak, and dark green collared shirt. Just as I was about half way across. I could hear the blaring of a horn.


I could feel the blood in side me freeze.

My eyes widen in horror, as a car came crashing down towards me, I was only half way across. My legs couldn't run that fast, I was in danger. I was too weak from running yet.
Yami, and Dark gasp in horror. Their voices shouting at me, but unable to do anything as for some reason they couldn't push me out of the way.
'RUN RUN!" I shout at my legs.'COME ON MOVE IT! TCH!'


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