Pyramid Of Puzzles Part 5

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(Reader/My POV)

My torch flickered a bit as some random air was blowing. It was strange because most of this area would be sealed up. At least that's what I thought.

I walked down to something I saw on the floor. Very slowly I tiptoed to the spot. "A ladder?" I blinked. It was the only way I could go. It seemed to be leading down through some passage. "...guess I have no choice." I needed to get out of here. As much as I shouldn't stress myself out about this. Sometimes it made me wonder if there was enough air down here to breathe, or if would it run out on us.

'Damn..I don't have my notebook, I can't record this.' I thought as I slowly crawled down the ladder into the new room. I remembered tossing it up before we fell. Atem must have it. At least I hope he did... 

My legs felt like jelly when I reached the bottom. I was so nervous that I swore I was shaking like a leaf at some point. In one way it was good no one could see me nervous because that would be embarrassing.

"Hmm....h-hellooo....?" I softly called into the room. For a moment I heard nothing. In the distance, I swore I heard something crashing, maybe even cracking. It was a loud bang.

I nearly jumped out of my skin, causing me to just about drop my torch. Then everything went quiet, I heard no voice only that sound.

"T-the hell was that..??" I scanned the room with my eyes nervously. I didn't see anyone, but still I knew I wasn't alone.

"..uhh....guess I go this way." Once again I had no choice, I had to follow the path that was given to me. This area was even darker than the last room. It smelt musty.

(Atem's POV)


"HAa..!!" Suddenly the floor opened up below me. I tried desperately to grab onto the ledge. It hurt my hands so much. I had no choice, I couldn't grip it anymore. I let go. Causing me to crash down onto the ground below.

*THUD!* I crashed down onto my side, as my torch fell to the ground. Smudging black across the floor. My crown managed to topple off my head, I see it skid across the floor. 

 "Ughh..." I hiss at the pain in my side, as I drag myself to my torch. I was lucky that it still has a little flame there. The impact hurt my head a bit, making me struggle a bit to my feet. Adjusting myself I stood up looking around this mysterious room as I picked up my golden crown. I place it slowly back onto my head and shake my cloak a bit.

"....I don't sense anyone here." I held my torch in front, seeing this was my path before me. "If I must.., I hope this will lead me to my friends."

'Stay strong guys....'

(Back To Reader's POV)

"A wood shelf..?" I glanced down at my feet. It was on some tracks. As if this thins could roll. I grabbed the wood bars on the side and pulled hard back on it.

"Ngggh.!" It was so heavy, but I had to do this. This may be my only way out. "I DID it!!YAH!" I shout, not realizing I was in a creepy stone silent dark room.

(Atem's POV)

I was walking down a skinny path when this voice blasted across the Pyramid. I almost tripped at the sound, I took an extra long step to balance myself.

"Got it!!YAH!"

My hand went to my chest, my heart was beating hard. 'That sounds like ____.!' Her voice sounded happy. 'Few..' It sounded like something good just happened.

(Reader's POV)

Making just enough of a gap to slip through the hole in the wall. I placed my hand on the wall, as I closely shimmy down the tunnel. I was actually really happy. Seeing that this place seemed to be sort of in my favor. 'I hope the others are having better luck.'

What I saw neck surprised me. It almost looked like a room in Atem's palace. Full of golden things, painting of horses on the walls. Gemstones that glitter like light.

'WAaaaiit don't touch.' I had to force myself to put my arm down. Atem's words rang in my mind. 'Careful this place could be full of traps and tests.'

"Come on ____, stop. Yes, it's pretty, but It's not worth dying for it." I shake my head. Sighing sharply in disappointment, I walked on after admiring the paintings.

Shortly after I was faced with a wooden door. It was held together by rope. It screamed mystery in my face.

  Before I touched the door, a noticed a spider web on the door. "O-oh......ew.."

I didn't want to touch it. Throw my shoe at it? 'The web might be stuck to it...., then maybe a spider too. Gross...'

Another idea hit me. I very carefully held my torch up to the web, and in an instant, it sizzled. Burning the web, I quickly pulled it back so the door wouldn't catch on fire.

With a loud creaking sound I pushed the door open.

The sound of running water caught my ears. Could it be?

I held the light up to see a waterfall. it was running into a decent-sized pond.  I wasn't sure how deep it was. "Maybe I can take a small break.?"

I sat down on the floor, a couple of steps away from the water. 'Hey...Dark are you here?' I called to my Magician. I waited, but there was no reply.

What he said was right, he probably would not be able to return once he left. Something was blocking him inside. I sighed.

"W-wah..!" A sudden shout made my head snap up, and look toward the water. A figure suddenly topples down the waterfall and falls right into the pond.

I quickly stand up, noticing something familiar about the figure who just fell into the water. I see shimmering gold and long locks.

"D-Diva!" I gasp. Hid figure came to the surface. Blinding his golden eyes, the man noticed me staring down at him from the ledge.

"Hey.!" He greeted. He was happy to see, me. I held my hand out. "Thanks." He grabbed my hand and, I took steps back to pull him out of the water. He was soaked to the bone now.

"Well, that was better than I thought."

"What happened?"

"W-well, it's kinda a long story." He began to take his teal sleeveless coat off and ring it out. Water splattered across the could. After that, he rung his hair out a bit.

We sat on the floor facing one another, while he told me his part of the story here.

-To Be Continued🌹🌸

(Yu-Gi-Oh) Different Golden Gems  Atem X Reader X Diva/AigamiWhere stories live. Discover now