Those Sharp Words part 2

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( In my room)

"Ouchh..!" I hissed.

"Apologize..., but I must do this." Diva wrapped my hand up in Egyptian cotton bandages. "That jerk Kaiba..." I clicked my tongue.

"Well you showed him,, it was amusing if I may add."

"You like seeing Kaiba suffer, don't you?" I managed to grin. "Actually...I do. He was always a bit too stuck. He needs to loosen up."

"Well...I loosened his jaw a bit."

"Pfft.! haha yes, that you did.'

There was a knock at the door. "It's me..Atem. May I enter?"

Diva nods. "Sure," I replied.

Atem entered pleased seeing my hand was already taken care of. "Sorry for the trouble Diva." The Pharaoh smiled at the Egyptian man.

"It's no trouble, I'm glad I could help." He smiled. I was approached by Atem who kneeled down in front of me. "Feeling alright?" His gentle manner made me feel less annoyed Kaiba. "Yes.."

"I'm glad, just so you know. Kaiba won't trouble you for a while, I made sure of that."

"W-what how?" I curiously asked, knowing how Kaiba does not take any threat. He just usually laughs.

( Rewind Time A bit)

Atem was strolling down the halls. Getting closer to his and ___'s room. When a tall figure of a brunette caught his eyes.

Kaiba froze hearing footsteps follow him. "Pharaoh.." Muttered the brunette.

"Why is it that you are here??" Blinked the king.

"What am I not allowed to walk around now??"

'Hmm...could it be he is looking for ___'s hallway. Hell no.'

"No.., that is not what I meant." The pharaoh played smart. "Whatever it is you are searching for. You will not find it there." He smiled.

This made Kaiba's eye twitch. 'Damn he knows.'

'Tch, think I wouldn't notice you looking to bug ___ again.'

"Ohh right, Kaiba. If you ever bother cause _____, such stress again. Tread carefully, I may refuse to duel you ever again."

Kaiba's jaw dropped. "F-Fine." He huffed. "I wasn't trying to anyways." He stuck his nose up and walked passed Atem with his arms crossed.

"See you at dinner." Atem smiled behind Kaiba's back. Grinning that he was able to chase Kaiba away.

( Back to Normal POV)

"OOoh I told him I won't duel him if he dares to trouble you again like that." I could just picture glass shattered by Kaiba's form, in slight anger.

"Oooo...that's harsh. Haha." Atem chuckled seeing that brought a smile to my face. "Yess it is. Now...., I wanted to ask." Atem scanned my face a bit with his violet eyes. "You don't need to but. How would like to join me at dinner? With the rest of the royal court?"

"I'll...give it a try." Atem gently reached his arms over my back. Giving me a kind hug. "I'm glad. By the way nice shot..., you did very well putting Kaiba in his place."

Atem put his head on my shoulder. Happy he was there to return some kindness, for me saving his life. "Don't push yourself. If you feel unwell..., just tell me or Mahad."

"Alright." My stomach fluttered a bit. Atem scent of some kind of flower wafted to me. He must have recently had a bath. "I'll see you later ____." Diva left the room, happy he could help.

Atem pulled back from the hug. "So...did you break it?"

"I..don't think so..? I think it's just bruising." Meanwhile, I just realized it might make it difficult to eat at dinner. 'Oooh...great.'

"Great..I'll see you later then." The spikey-haired pharaoh slightly touched the top of my head and made his leave.

"Troublesome day...." A figure I haven't seen in a while appeared to me. "Oh! Dark." it was my duel monster. The blonde magician smiled at me. The moment hje noticed my injured hand he sighed. " be careful though."

"I know...I just had to. So where have you been?"

"I was away, training to make my magic stronger. Mahad assisted me a few times."

"Ooh, did I go well?"

"Yes indeed lady ____." I was happy to see Dark getting along with the people of this time. "Well, it's not like I do much dueling at this time."

"Ha...yes that is true. No need to worry, we still got your back just in case."

( Modern Time)

Yugi was currently in hang out with Bakura
"Stupid Kaiba, leaving in such a rush. I swear that man has no patients."

"Well, he seemed upset about something. Do you think ____ is alright?" The platinum blonde male asked.

 Do you think ____ is alright?" The platinum blonde male asked

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"I think she will be just fine. After all, she has Atem there to watch over her. I know for a fact he will never want any hard to come to her. Also, Diva is also there too, both Egyptians there will be the best help for her to be better used to their life there."

"Yes, you are absolutely right Yugi. Do you remember the times when I was controlled by that evil spirit of the ring? even when Diva was not himself."

Yugi sighed remembering those times. "Yes..I do. I could never forget those events. You were pretty scary then."

"Ahaha... yeaah... you are right. It is tough when some evil presence wants to control you. However, since thoughts days. I have recovered pretty well. Though I think something inside me has changed. I'm...resembling that man more and more."

Yugi looks at Bakura worriedly. "Resembling??"

Bakura holds his hands up. "Oh no..! don't worry. Not in an evil way like he was. More like my..anger, my thoughts. If I see someone harming another, my personality becomes much sharper and stronger. It's hard to stop myself from actually wanting to fight people, and not just by duel monsters. I mean physically."

Yugi furrows his eyebrows. "I understand.., I guess you do have some permanent changes now that can never go back. I mean... you are starting to look a bit like him as time passes. Though! I think you did a great job defending ____. When those thugs attacked you two on the street."

Bakura let out a soft smile. "Thanks, Yugi."

'Of course! and courage like that can be very useful. You aren't evil Bakura, you have just become stronger."

"Do you think we will see _____ ever again?"

Yugi looked up at the sky. "I'm sure we will, just maybe not the way we think." 'Take care of her Atem. Good luck _____, may we meet again.' Yugi smiled to himself. Knowing how much he can trust the Pharaoh.

'I need to work on controlling myself more. Sure I'm not being controlled by evil spirits, but I...have become a bit colder. I want to help my friends still.' Bakura took a sip of his drink.

(Yu-Gi-Oh) Different Golden Gems  Atem X Reader X Diva/AigamiWhere stories live. Discover now