Mystery Box

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Wait why is it so dark here......? where am I.?.)

Everything went silent. ( Hold on......I was working ....for................Kaiba!!!!!

That's right I had to go find a coffee, a expensive one.)

I breathed.( On my way To get the coffee, when I was I was attacked by thugs..)

Finally seeing more. I felt a sudden pain in my chest.( Ghuugh....). I gripped my chest. ( Ahh....mhrr.......why dose it hurt..... * I swallowed* Kaiba......I'm so sorry......please forgive me. I failed to get you you're coffee....)


(!!! what's was that..? That voice?)

(Hello!? hello.......!!!)

Out of no where I see a bright golden light shine ahead of me. I began running towards it. " Hello!!? hello....!!" I was surprised to finally hear my own voice not just my mind.

I sudden;y tripped on thin air. Crashing down the ground with a loud *thud*. "Mh...! ......."
I spraweld out on the ground, my body hurt. I looked up seeing two figures in the distance.

"!......ngh...." I winced a little. It was all I could do just to keep my head up.
Just when I was about to speek. I heard a voice...

" not worry......everything will be fine in due time." It was a stern let soft voice.

I could see one of the figures disapere. Until out of the darkness I saw a hand get reached out to me.
"...let me help you........." I felt ym heart begin to pound like mad. I looked up to the owner of the gentle hand. It couldn't see his face. LEt his shadow remained. The top of the shadow was that multi pointed. I slowly reached my head up, feeling the sprecense, it pulled me up. I felt safe with it. I had no alot of energy. I looked down seeing a red bloody line run across my right leg.
" time everthing will come you should wake up......."

I looked past the shadow seeing the other figure gone. (!?) It must of felt my heat beat speed up." Whats the matter...?"

"......n-nothing........just scared...of what the future will wold for me." The second I spoke those words everything shattered. It was dark once again.


* Bzzzzt......! bzzzzzzzzzt!!* My eyes opened up to the sound of my phone vibrating.
".........ngh...." ( What.........-who can that be....?) I reached my arm over to where I heard my phone. Sleepily I grabbed it. lifting it, I saw I had. * gasp* ( S_Seven text messages!!!!!!!!)
I almost fainted. Quickly opening them up one by one. I realized, 3 was Yusei, one was..........? I didn't recognize this number, being a sleep walking idiot, I looked up realizing there was a new contact on my phone.( Ba...kura... its him! the one I met) Then there was two with Jack yelling at me.

Then everything hit me. This wasn't my room. Or my house, or even my street. I looked out the window.

"!!!!!!!!!" ( AH!! what the heck..?) Tying to think back really hard. I stopped my deck laying next to my pillow, in its deck box.

Realizing my dream, I quickly stuck my foot out from under the covers. In total shock there it was. The dried blood long cut on my leg. Then followed my some cloths wrapped on my foot, on the same leg.

a sudden vision hit me. ( Oh right... I remember now..)

It was looking to get the Starbucks coffee for Kaiba. Then I got attacked by those thugs. I ran into Bakura at one point who.........

A chill when down my spine. He scared them away.....

Then I fainted.......after typing a short message in a unnamed text box on my phone.

I scrambled to look at my phone. I found the message I didn't even know what I wrote. I began to read it.

Me:(Kaiba......I'm soo sorry......please forgive me. I failed to get you you're coffee. I wanted to get the best quality out there.....I thought of betting a hole fresh coffee bean package for you would be best than just one, so you could make many more in the future............for the one and only boss I had in my life. )

I realized I rember had a send button to it. He must of never gotten it. ( W_WHAT@ I SAID THAT!!?? Is this what I say when I'm real death?!)

"Stupid..! stupid........stupid...STUPID!" I wanted to slap myself. I knew he would of fired my by now.
I started reading the text messages I was left behind.

Yusei:( Hey,_____ I realized you left the house.)

Yusei:(_____..? what wrong you haven't returned home yet?)

Jack:( _____!!! get you're butt back here! its late!)

" I knew it..."

Jack:( Come on, look..... I'm sorry for yelling but seriously where are you?)

Bakura:( Um hello Bakura here. I hope you're feeling better once you see this. You gave me quite a scare when you passed out. I have a slight confession to say..........
I read you're message that it seemed to be directed to Seto Kaiba. I thought it would be best to finish you're wish to him, and tell him what happened.I will tell you what happened later on. When you wake up it will probable be morning. Don't worry if it is, that means everything worked out fine. If you feel well enough, you can eat what you want from the house, also if you could please check the mailbox. That would be really helpful. I'll be back later on. Oh also sorry for.......reading you're text. You're phone wouldn't stop vibrating when I was there, it was starting to scare me. So I had to answer you're friends back. There glad you're fine.
Well see you.)

I was so surprised, and glad at the same time. He took care of everything for me while I was sleeping. Leaning against the head board. I quickly texted Yusei back.

Me:( Hey, Yusei)SEND

Shortly afterI get a message.

Yusei:( ____!!! Glad to see you're alright. How are you?)

ME:( I'm doing good. Sorry for worrying you guys. Jack will proble never let me live it down. I'm fine, at my friends house.(SEND

Yusei:( Yes,I remember you're friend his name was Bakura. Yeah he told me not to worry, that you where safe. Oh by the way _____, a package came in the mail for you. Do you want me to bring it over?)

My eyes widen. " A package?" * tap tap tap*

Me:( Can you please, put in in the mailbox? I might not be home when you come. I need to do one little thing. I can have Bakura text you the address:)SEND

Yusei:( Yes sure. I'll be over soon. Once he tells me.)

ME:( Okay thanks Yusei!!)SEND

Yusei:( No problem :) ) I smiled at the smiley face he sent me, now I had to tell Bakura.

Me:( Hello, Bakura...can you do me a favour and please tell Yusei my friend the address to you're house? He has something he needs to give me)SEND

I waited about 5 minuets before I got a reply.
Bakura:( Sure I can, I just sent it to him. I'll be home later today. So sit back and relax till. Okay?)

I nod to myself. ME:( Okay I will thanks.)SEND

" Okay..!! time." I was starving I literally ate nothing for 2 days. My supose to be meal, was bashed from my hands yesterday. Then I would of eaten after my coffee delivery.I got mugged.

I looked down at my legs. They hurt quite a bit, but I wasn't one to stay sitting down. " Okay.... slowly now....."

I threw the sheets off me. I slowly let my legs hand above the air. "Alright.! now jump!"
I pushed myself off the bed. Only to fall face flat on the ground with a loud crashing thud. * THUMP!*

"WAAH!!!"* Krrrk*

"Myyy head!!" I shrieked.

( ____...?) I looked up seeing Amethyst staring at me confused.( Uhh...What are you doing?)

"As you can see, I'm trying to get ot the kitchen." I glared at the floor.

( It didn't seem like it to me.)

"Well I am hungry to, let me pass." He stepped to the side. Still mocking me.

"Grr...."I dragged myself to my feet. I began to lean to the side.

"!!!" * GRIP!* I clung to the door frame. "Hahaha! seee I got IT!" I praised myself at my glorious moment.

Amethyst just looked at me still confused.

( Are you sure you can make it there?)

" OFcourseI can!"

Just then as I entered the hallway upstairs I heard the sound of motor running outside next to the house.

(!!!!!!!!!! ITs YUSEI!!!) Just as I gasped, the sound of the motor turned on once again and left as fast as it came.

"AAH!! I need to go outside first!!" I stepped forward almost toppling down the steps.
"! Uh oh..."

(____!!!!!) * THump* I felt something soft on my face.

Then I realized it. I was lying now on Am's back.

" Oh....hah..hey...there fuzzy fur."

( Mh.! do you mind..?) I felt him flich under me.

I shook my head. "Well since you're hear....can you help Carrie me down the steps to the door please?

I felt the cat suddenly exhale really large beneath me. ( Sure.. just don't sit up till you're down, or you will fall off)

I clung to his soft dessert rose fur. As he began to walk down the steep steps. With me on his back. He was much bigger than a normal cat. However, my feet pretty much still dragged lying like this.

( Why didn't you ask Pegasus to help you?)

"Uh..because he can't go down steps. He has hooves."

( R-right......) He looked ahead.

Reaching the bottom of the steps I sat up. " Okay now, please go to the door." I pointed.
He only just nod his head. As Amethyst carried me to the door and unlocked it with a flick of his tail.I reached up to the door turning the handle,and slid it open as he walked forward a little.

"Thanks I think I can walk now. I slowly slid up to a standing position. Where he stood next to me, to keep me from fallen. I walked over to the mailbox.

* Click* As I opened it, my eyes widen seeing the package that Yusei has brought to me. Yet I had no idea who it was from, or what was in it. Grabbing the box. I walked back into the house, and closed the door behind me.

I took my spot at the kitchen table, as my legs began to wobble and hurt again.

I set down the box. "...I wonder what's in it?"

Slowly I started pealing the tape off. Grabbing the flap, where the box opened, with a paper like sound I slid the flat open. The box was dark inside. Reaching my hand inside, I felt my fingers touch down on something flat, yet tall. "?.?.?" I pulled it out.

Realizing I grabbed a note that came along with it.

I read the note

{ To a long lost friend called ____}

Hello, when you see this.
I can't say much, but that I have been looking for you. I have sent you this gift, I know you will like it. I wish to see you in the future. Please take care of it. I know you will like them.

{ You're Childhood Friend }

"T-them?" My heart began to beat faster. My mind flashed that vision of the one who helped me stand.

Plealing off the note. I face faced with a plastic case, and inside was the Dark Magician Card.

"!!!!!!!!!" I almost fainted. I was just sent the Dark Magician. Sliding it from the plastic case. I looked beneath it. There was a entire deck, and next in line was the Dark Magician Girl.

( OH MY God...) I had a had time breathing almost, as my hands slowly shook seeing my top favourite card in my hand. The Dark Magician.

I looked at the card. Something was different, it was the Dark Magician. However, he had golden blonde locks, and those deep blue eyes. His armour was very dark blue with red outlines. I gasped. He was beautiful even if he was different. No black and blue swirled hair, and purple armour. Still he looked really nice, like if the sibling of the famouse one.

The Dark Magician girl was the same cute blonde girl with emerald eyes. I flipped to the other cards. Gasping as each one I looked at. Until I reached the very last card. I realized I was just sent a spell caster deck. One that made me squeal with amazement, that made me cry. I finally had new friends for my other guys. The longer I held onto the Dark Magician with blonde hair. The more I felt like my heart was going to shatter. I was soo happy.

" Omg..I soo happy.....*sniff*" Pulling my deck back neatly, I place the Dark Magician Girl down, then over her the Dark Magician's card. I pulled them close giving them a hug. I realized Amethyst has vanished. " guys" I whispered.

Who even my friend was out there, they knew very well who I was.

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