🌟Why Is This Happening?🌟

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I finished my meal, and Diva showed me to my room.

"I'll be across the hall if you need anything. Rest as much as you like." He was so kind to me. He reminded me of Atem at times.

"Thanks Diva.., you saved me from living on the streets."

"Your very welcome. Here take these blankets and pillow." He held out the light blue pillow and blanket to me.

I settled into my new room. Thoughts of Atem hit me. I wondered how he was? Did he think that I made it back? Does he even know?

Poor guy he made such good friends here but can't see them. Sometimes I wished he could come back and hang out again with us here.

'Stupid me ugh! I need to sleep.' I told myself. I cleaned up in the bathroom and went to the bed. I drifted off almost right away.

(Dream, or is it?)

"Slow down ___! please" I was galloping on my horse Prince. While Atem was following me on his mare. Trying to get me to slow down to rest.

I finally stopped, giving Atem a chance to catch up.
"Finally.., you are quite good a riding." Atem dismounted his horse and walked up to me.
'Oh no.. I feel a bit winded maybe he was right I should have slowed down sooner.. crap..'

I dropped the reins and got off. The second my feet touched the ground I began to tumble over.

Atem was quick to steady me. " You alright??" He asked, concern in his violet eyes. I put a hand on my head. ".. yeah just a bit winded or tired."

Sighing softly Atem lead me over to sit on a tree stump. "Here some water." He held a leather pouch up to me.

"Something on your mind?" He asked me quietly.

"Well.. I just sometimes miss my friends and wish you could hang out with us more. Just like before. Most of all I wonder how Diva and Yugi are."

Atem placed a hand on my shoulder and pulled me over a bit to lean against him.

"It's alright ___, I'm sure you're friends are fine. Though.. I'm sorry I can not always be there. That doesn't mean to give up though."
Atem spoke softly to me.

" I can sense that man Diva fancies you, hah he seems to be very kind to you. So I am glad you have someone like that to watch you When I am unable to myself."

I nod my head slowly. Atem's presence was so calming.

"You are Mahad are also such nice friends to me. It makes me happy." I began to tear up. Atem gently patted my back to comfort me as we sat on the tree stump.

"Let me know what you wish to eat and drink tonight. I want to make your stay as comfortable as possible. I may not always be there, but i'll do my best to guide you when you need it the most."

My vision faded with the brightly smiling Atem.

(End Of Vision Dream)

My mind started coming back when I noticed something wet against my face.

'Tears?' I was crying, crying over my dear friend Atem I had to leave behind. I couldn't stop my tears from flowing it was odd. I wasn't even that sad. That dream wasn't even a dream, it was a vision. It was a time when Atem and I had a day together to relax and ride horses.

"Lady ___?" My mind froze from the voice I looked up to the right seeing Mahad looking at me with concern.
"D-Dark Magician." Next to him, I saw Dark the blonde Dark Magician duel monster whose card was in my deck. A fellow friend and student colleague if Mahad.

" You alright m'lady? You are crying in your sleep."

I averted my eyes from their gaze. " Sorry to wake you... just a dream vision."

They sat on the bed next to me wanting to hear more. "Vision? of what."

" A past event I think of Atem and I outside riding horses. Sorry,..guess it made me sad a bit. The memory was pleasant though."

"Haa...that's quite alright. It's still early I suggest you rest more it's early. We will stay here till you fall asleep if that eases you."

My mind was fuzzy I slumped back in bed. " Thanks you two." I reached out to gently touch their long locks. Not long after my hand dropped and I was once again sleeping.      

(Atem's Era)

Way back in Atem's home he sat there on his bed hoping ____ made it back safe. Mahad would be able to send a sign to Atem with his powers. It was tricky though, it wasn't always easy to do so. Atem had to wait patiently till then.

( Morning)

'Uhhh...my head....' I slowly sit up feeling a bit monotone. Was that even a feeling? I glanced up at the clock. 

9 O'clock

My legs and body felt like I was running for miles in my sleep. There was a slim chance I sleep walked, but even so, I was alive.

I got up and threw myself into the shower. There was some pepermint-scented shampoo in the shower already. Some good old soap and natural shampoo are just what I needed. It's not like in ancient Egypt life I didn't bathe. No, there were just other methods of washing my hair and self.

After I exited the shower I put on my casual clothing. I was gifted a long sleeveless trench coat by Atem, it was apparently of the highest quality at that time. After spending so much time in our time, he could explain to the seamstresses how to sew garments of our time.

It was a very deep violet. Similar to the colour of Atem's cloak that he wore over his shoulders in Egypt. I wore (Pick a colour) skinny jeans, and a mid sleeve long shirt. I still had my leather boots from the first time I entered that realm, so I wore that. It made riding horses much easier.

I swung the door open and tip-toed down the halls to the kitchen. I didn't see Diva, Though there was a note sitting on the kitchen table.

" Oh, he already woke up."

I picked up the note.

- To Be Continued 🌟⚡

(Yu-Gi-Oh) Different Golden Gems  Atem X Reader X Diva/AigamiWhere stories live. Discover now