🌟I've Been Spotted🌟Part 2

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I waited for my fate to get shoved in my face.

Kaiba took in a deep breath. "Look.., I won't do anything. I just need to know..."

'Ugh..here it comes...'

"How is it my satellites haven't picked up your presence when you came back?"

I swallowed unsure how to answer him. It was possible that the spell cast to bring me back blocked his signals from me. Thankfully he couldn't track me ha ha.

"Answer me." He said in a more calm less demanding tone.

"I..would, but you wouldn't believe me."

He sighed to the side with a smirk on his face. He understood a bit. "Very well."

I sighed. "Next question, you left..without a say in your place in my office. Why you do know I needed to fire you right? Damn it look at me."

My eyes slowly travelled up to his eyes. I left because I didn't care that much anymore for my place in his office. "I..think I'm not fit for your office job."

"Hm, alright fine. Once again I shall ask a question. Is the Pharoah well?"

I felt my heart thump louder. I wanted to avoid my eyes but it was hard, with that look on his face. He knew I was tripping over Atem for quite a long time, he also knows Diva treats me with just as much respect.

"Uh yes, he is just fine."

"Good." Kaiba looked down at me. I suddenly felt his hand touch down on the top of my head. With that, he just walked passed me. "I saw Yugi not too long ago. If you are wondering." Kaiba just walked off in a cool manner, waving a hand to me as he left. His long white trench coat swayed in the breeze.

"W-what just happened?"

Mahad placed a hand on my shoulder, for some reason I felt his presence more.

*bzzt* My phone vibrated. I looked at the screen to see the message.

Diva: I have found Yugi. He said he would like to see you. He's at the ice cream shop not too far from Kaiba's cafe. I'll be there too, it's been some time since I spoke to him as well.

I put my phone back into my pocket. I thought for a moment about how Atem was. Was there no way for me to let him know I was okay?

"Say,.. Mahad. Is there no way to tell Atem, that I'm alright?"

Mahad smiled lightly at me. " Well, there is a way. Though it can be troublesome."

" Can you please?"

" Lady ___, with all my power l will send our a message to the pharaoh. So do not worry."

Mahad gave me a small side hug. knowing how hard it can be on me.

"Let's go then, Yugi is waiting."

(Time Skip)

"I think it's over here...hmm." I passed by Kaiba's cafe not long ago.

"____! over here." In the distance I see Diva waving to me. The second I spot Diva, I see Yugi step out next to him holding an ice cream in his hand. 


اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Wow.. he was starting to look more like Atem bit by bit. He grew only a bit taller though.. I was about Diva's height, not short or very tall. (If you're not those hights add something else if you like)

I walked over to them. "Hello there ___." Greeted Yugi. His violet eyes shone with joy. "It's been so long." I spoke standing cross from him. He nods his head, with that set of beautiful spiky hair.

He noticed the eyeliner on my eyes. So perfectly drawn. "Nice eyeliner, it' looks familiar." Of course, it does, he knew all too well. Atem was the one who taught me how to perfect the look. A smile crept to my face. Fuzzy feelings hit me after Yugi complimented my eyeliner.

 "Yes, it has. Why don't we go to the park to talk?"

"Perfect," I replied.

We followed Yugi to the park. Standing next to Diva as we walked. He asked me how my encounter with Kaiba was.

"How..was seeing that Kaiba earlier?" Diva looked at me with his golden brown eyes.


Yugi held back a chuckle, he knew a bit about me being frightened by Kaiba.

"Well, he didn't exactly yell at me or anything. He was trying to figure out why I left work, and how come he didn't notice sooner when I returned."

"Hmm, did he puzzle it together?" Diva grinned. "Nope, not all the way I think."

"Haha, he's quite the personality." Diva laughed lightly.

" Diva laughed lightly

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

"This place should be good. Yugi stopped below a tree in the park." He finished his ice cream by now. "Alright ___, tell us about you. I am sure you have a lot of stories."

I took my place next to Diva below the tree. We sat down in a circle. I took in a deep breath.

I see Dark Magician, and Dark my blonde magician shows up, the very card Yugi gave me. They sat above us in the tree.

"Where do I even start.." I smile softly, as I leaned forward with my hands on my knees.

- To Be Continued 

(Yu-Gi-Oh) Different Golden Gems  Atem X Reader X Diva/Aigamiحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن