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"_______!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I could here about 2 seconds of my name being called, as my eyes widen seeing the vehicle come charging towards me.

I looked up with my eyes for my last second before I left like I was going to faint from shock. It was a male, no a guy with striking midnight hair with what looked like violet shards of crystal in the front of his hair. He was running towards me his silver eyes wide with shock.
'Who's that?' I tried to move my legs, but there was no way I could make it out on time, something was going to happen I took in a a deep breath, half ready for what pain was going to follow.

(______!!!!!) I wasn't sure who called my name then, was it my duel monsters? what is Yugi? My mind was going fuzzy.


Just like I saw something zip past my eye, and that's when I felt myself go crashing forward. Finding myself rolling off the road, over the hard concrete sidewalk, right into the bushes near the roads.
I felt myself spinning like mad, feeling only some impact of the ground below me. *CRASH!*
".........." My mind was blank, but something felt off... I wasn't alone.

No matter how much I tried to move, I couldn't my bod shook from shock still, as if lightning hit me.
I only opened my one eye slightly seeing green right there at my face. I closed my eyes again, breathing very lightly I didn't move.

(....______?) I could feel a slight touch on the side of my back. It was the sound of a male.
(Are you....alright?) He seemed very worried, the more time it took for me to process what happened, and reply the more the voice near me seemed to break.

"YUTO!" *Crash! Crack..thud thud thud* I could hear the sound of twigs snap, as foot steps came near us.
"He-!......" The voice slowed down, and stopped.

When my ears could hear the sound of a voice someone fro inside their chest. "..H-hey....ha....that was close...." The one under me began to rise, having leaves fall off his hair, and jacket.

"By the way..., how is she?, and who is she?" I could feels eyes on me as they spoke.

"I'm not sure..., but I think I saw her once on the street before." I could feel the one I was one shift.
"..can't exactly move, ah hey....you alright??" I could hear him call to me.

"......." I grip my finger into soft cloths.
"She moved...!"
"Yes, seems like she is alive, just not really...awake...though"

'I can hear them...., but who-'

(Lady...??) I blinked, now I knew who that was. 'D....Dark.....?"

( Dear Ra! You are alright...! You had us scared to death) I touch feel another presence near me. There was no mistaking it. It was Yami.

(_____..! you alright?)

I tried to keep myself from sounding horrible, and in pain. ' Yes, I'll be alright.'

Dark, and Yami sighed.

"H-ey...hey....." I could feel myself slowly get lifted back up, I kept my eyes shut.

"It's...no use. She is out still." The one who supported me from behind, slowly pulling me off the legs of the other I was squishing paused.

"S-she...feels....really warm."


I could feel a cool hand get close, and touch the side of my face gently." She has a fever."

"W-what...!? are you serious?""

"HEY!______!! Hello!! _____!!?" A loud voice came booming down the park roads.

"?.? What was that about?"

"Don't know... really, but there is some guy with blonde, and dark hair calling for someone named ______?"

'!! T--t-t-that! 's Y-Yugo, Crap ! If he seems me I'm soo dead..'

( Do you want us to-)

Yami, and Dark flinched at my voice.

'P-Please....don't...leave me....'

(As you wish...) My blonde magician spoke. ' Be my eyes....for me.....please...., I'm to tired...to open them....'

( Alright, so far it seems there are just the two here. One who looks older than the other who seems to be the one helping to lift you off the other. This male has a long dark blue coat on, with dark green longer hair. The other wears green, and has a- surprisingly similar hair to the Pharaoh's, just black, with violet.)


( You don't seem to be in danger..., so please rest assured... we will keep an eye out.)
I nod just a little, as I began slowly drifting off.

I heard broken conversations for about 10 seconds.

"Thanks....so much..."

"It was nothing...."

"....yes.., she was."

"Hey! W-why-"

"Quiet, you will wake her."

I could feel myself being carried. Suddenly I found my eyes open up, as I was being carried in bridal style. I kept only one eye open, only to lock onto the same silver ones I saw pass by me when I was with Yugo ridding down the street.

He seemed to have noticed, because as soon as he was about to come closer I shut my eye.
I began to mumble in a hoarse voice. ".....c-come..........too..." With that my mind shut off.

(Yu-Gi-Oh) Different Golden Gems  Atem X Reader X Diva/AigamiWhere stories live. Discover now