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I had it all planned out. No I was not letting this be a dead quiet ride. Plus, I was hunting for answers at the same time. I wanted to know, how I got here. Did I step through a portal?
or was it someone called me here.

It was time to put my plan in motion, thankfully we ended up in the back, and all the guards were ahead.
Looking ahead, all the head were facing the front. Making me nod to myself, I slowly brought my hand up towards Seto's headdress, not touching but ready to grab. Looking back from the corner of my eye, I brought my other arm towards the horses' back end.
'Alright...' Now all I had to do was tap the horse, and have it jump forward, giving me just enough time to grab the headdress. Pulling it off, and pretend that it has fallen off his head. Leaving Seto to thing the horse was spooked by its own, and not me.

I looked in every direction keeping my hands hovering above in their position. Then.
"NNNNEIGH!" The horse jumped in shock, making Seto shout in surprise, as my hand came down knocking the golden headdress off his head to the sandy ground. The horse beginning to gallop forward.
"HWWOo!" Seto called out loud to his horse as it still galloped. I squeezed my legs as hard as I could to keep my balance. Realising the headdress was gone, I gripped onto the back of his robe.
"Seto! Whats the matter?" Atem came ridding towards up, seeing as we shot by everyone in two seconds flat.
"WHooah! calm yourself...." The brunette called to the mare who's breath was still ragged. The horse snorted still in shock.
"I'm sorry Pharaoh I do not understand what happened, something must of scared her."
Then meanwhile I still grabbed Seto's cloths from behind, pretending to cling on for life. Even though I was totally fine. "Are you alright back there?" The deep voice of Seto spoke to me.
"Y-yes, I'm fine."
"Then that's good.
Atem looked up seeing the Preist's headdress missing, his eyes flashed wide for a moment. "Ah..Seto..., it seems you miss placed something." Atem tried not to laugh at the frustrated Priest still pulling back on the reins trying to slow down his horse all the way.

I couldn't see his face, but the way he brought his hand up to his head told me all. He went silent at Atem's words, realising It was gone.
'Yay! it worked!'

"Shall we continue?" I looked up at the Tri Coloured haired King. I not my head." Fine by me."
"Hn.." Was the sound that came out of the brunette's mouth in front.
'Really...now, being like Seto Kaiba are we?' I felt the horse begin the move again.

We where now walking across the sand, there wasn't anything around us, from what I could see.
"Everyone! We are going to the sea, that is near us to rest up." Atem called out to us.

{Kaiba Corp Office}

* Bam!* Kaiba slapped down his fist on the desk.

"This is incredible, she has been missing for weeks now." Crossing his fingers in anger, as his deep blue eyes narrowed. 'Tch, this has gone on way too long. Having a employee vanish from company is bad enough to give out bad news.' He hissed to himself.

{Back To Me}

"......" We rode closer, and closer to a ledge, that should be near the water we where heading to.
Dark: ( Nervous?)

'No, well at least I shouldn't be.' I looked ahead, realising we just arrived to the edge of the cliff. The very same cliff, I fell off from my escape from Bakura.
*T-thump*' Ngh...' I felt a sharp pulse in my chest.
I looked down seeing the water way below us. 'Come on..., we are almost there.' I told myself, as my breath became a little heavy. I had no idea what was going on, and why I felt like this. It was as if some evil presence was around me, choking me into falling to my death.

The wind began picking up around us, making me flinch a little. Seeing how close I was to the edge.
*Crack!* Seto, and my eyes widen. Suddenly feeling the horses' back leg slip.
The mare lets out a loud neigh in horror. I felt myself shift backwards, as the horse jumped forward. Making me tumble off the side.

"W-waah!!" I shout of shock comes out from mouth, making Atem, and everyone slam on the breaks turning to see me fall over the edge of the cliff.

"____!!!!!" Atem snaps the reins on his horse galloping to me.

"My Pharoah! You-"

"I Must!, every life is worth saving" Just like that Atem jumps, being air born just like me. The men shouting in horror seeing their very King throw himself off.

I looked up, as my heart raced. Atem falling down after me with his arm stretched out. I could see the guards freaking out above, Seto barking orders that I could not hear.

"A....Yami!!!!" I shout. Seeing his eyes widen. " Hold on I'm coming!!"

I could feel a tear begin to drop down my face, and fly up to him from how I was flying. The pain on his face said it all, he couldn't let me die, not here or in present.
I could tell I was beginning to get closer, and closer to the ground. I swallowed knowing either I'd hit water, or rock hard sand.

' I.., I can't....did. I hadn't even see the others..'
Atem began pulling closer to me. I couldn't hear words anymore from the rush of wind. The way he looked at me with those Violet eyes, told me to focus on him, and not on the ground before.

I was suddenly grabbed, only to have my shout come out from me. When out of no where a bright flash swallowed us.
"WWWaaaaahhhh!!! "

Just like that all went dark.  

(Yu-Gi-Oh) Different Golden Gems  Atem X Reader X Diva/AigamiTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang