🌸Pyramid Of Puzzles🌸Part 4

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(Atem's Side)

He was walking down a skinny little tunnel when the figure of a magician came to him.

"Hold on, your ____'s spellcaster."

"Yes, she calls me Dark."

Atem's eyes look curiously at Dark. "How are you here, and why?"

"Well...I have some news my Pharaoh."

"Very well, tell me." Atem breathes and leans against the wall. Not like he was going anywhere.

( Time Skip To Kaiba)

"WHAT?" Kaiba gasps, listening to what Dark said. He had no choice after all these of seeing all the strange things happen. He had to accept that this duel spirit was ____'s.

"It's true sir. _____, the Pharaoh, and Diva. Have all gone out for a trip to a Pyramid."

"Let me get this straight. You are expecting me to believe that. ___ is trapped in some Pyramid Of Puzzles underground, separated from the Pharaoh and Diva. Because the walls and floor shifted?"

Dark nods his head. "Yes." He knew Kaiba was hard to tell things to. Before he was given over to ____ that day, mailed to her by Yugi in a box. He remembered Yugi speaking of Kaiba being a self-centered, rich man, and a jerk.

"If something happens to _____, and she does not return you want me to tell Yugi of all people??" Kaiba hissed. Deep inside his mind, he was feeling conflicted though. He knew if Yugi found out she was in danger and Kaiba knew but told Yugi late. He would not hear the end of it. Yugi would annoy the life out of him. Not only that Atem wouldn't even duel him anymore, or have even less of a chance.

"I trust you will do the right thing, sir. That is all. I will return not." Dark left Kaiba there. An odd feeling washed over Kaiba. It made him snap up as if he sensed the presence of Seto.

"You..." Kaiba said in a low voice. Seto stepped out from behind a wall, with his arms crossed. Looking more peaceful than his counterpart.

" I overheard some chatter. Is it true the Pharaoh and his friends are in danger...?"

"...why would I tell you.."

Seto glared at Kaiba.

"Just speak plainly, tell me the truth. If the girl is harmed, my Pharaoh will be upset. That is not what we need. It will mean problems later." Seto's deep ocean eyes held some concern in them.

"...I'm not sure if they are harmed. I just know they hit some obstacles." Muttered Kaiba.

"Speak, I have moments to spare."

(Reader/ My POV)

"Great...now I'm all alone...."

I was lucky to find a little spot to light my torch. It was odd that there was a flame inside here. Could it have been Diva who passed by here?

I shake my head. Thinking he had to still be a floor below me. '...I wish Atem or Yugi was here....' Even little Yugi would make good company here. He did help me a lot after all.

"I guess I follow this path..." I walked down a one-way tunnel. I had no choice. It was so quiet in here. I wrapped my cloak onto myself more, feeling chilled.

( Yugi's POV)

I woke up feeling my neck hurt. "Oh...I fell asleep. whoops.."

Yugi had his face smushed down onto a table for god knows how long. His stomach felt strange though. As if something bad was happening. "Maybe it was just my dream..."

Yugi lifted a photo up off his desk of him. It was a split-screen photo with one of him with _____. The other with Atem and _____. Because they weren't physically not able to stand side by side like that. That was the way they had to take the picture.

"____....., Atem. I miss you guys." Yugi had plans to send a package to ____. Once she would arrive back. Some small gifts and charms he knew I would enjoy. He knew It was probably not possible to send it to Atem's time.

(Yu-Gi-Oh) Different Golden Gems  Atem X Reader X Diva/AigamiWhere stories live. Discover now