Dining Restrictions

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I looked slowly around with my eyes, waiting for Atem to say the word for the feast to start. However, things seemed a little slow.

I kept a stoic face, that I learn from Kaiba. Surprisingly it came to be handy in things like this, if you did not want people to read your mind. For all I knew, and was almost positive Mahad could not read minds yet. He might of been a powerful Magician, but I didn't think he was capable to do such a thing.

"Well, shall we start then?" Atem spoke from his seat. Everyone looked up at him seeming happy. I pretended not to really realising just showing that I was hungry. My hand below the table gripped my cloths. This strange mood of Priest Seto was starting to get to me. It didn't make sense he tells me off, slaps me, but then says something like he forgives me.

I could still feel a slight sting on the side of my face, where my hair covered it thankfully.

"Good, let us start then." Atem signaled, as all the food was starting to get set down in front of us. Yugo's eyes glowed in shock at the food. He was no doubt starving, famished like a hungry wolf. I could tell Shay was just as hungry, but he kept it much more calm, and cool along with his friend Yuto. However, Yuto failed to keep his eyes in check, because it reflected off his silver eyes too much to miss by me.

Thanking the servants for the food, I slowly began putting fruits,and simple but good soups for myself. From what has happened to me, I couldn't stomach any meats. I had to be a solid vegetarian now. It wouldn't kill me, but I had no choice I didn't want to get sick at the table. As I was munching on my veggies that came raw I felt eyes land on me, but that didn't freak me out near as much, until the voice to it spoke.

"Pardon me lady_____, what has happened to your face to make it blue?" *t-thump* I stopped chewing, and dropped my vege almost out of my hand, and back into the plate. I looked up to find Mahad was the one asking me this.

'Tch...he's watching...' Seto was all too...smart....he knew what it was about, b-but I wanted to make him feel like a fool a bit, so I twisted this up a little.

"..oh I see, * I put an arm on the table* this is nothing. I-, took a sharp turn earlier today...,and the edge of the wall hit." I could see Mahad's eyes widen in surprise, but Seto's face was quite amusing to see.

Seto's Mind: "D-did she have that before then?"

Shay stopped in mid chew, and looked up at me as if he just took a sharp swallow of his food, and could not focus.

"It is nothing to worry about." I looked down a bit having the side of my hair fall over it, and look back up as if it wasn't even there. '...he saw...it..* looks at Seto* but he looks confused, maybe that's good.'

💨"Very well then..." Mahad sighed not pushing forward,but he didn't drop it so easy. He knew something was up but not sure. Disappointed in thee fact not able to find out. He was right though, Seto must of hit me pretty hard if it was already bruising.

'T-thanks alot...man...' I felt my blood twitch in heat in me.

Until."I don't see the reason in asking such a question."

'💢TCH what.' I felt my blood boil, at Seto.

"Clearly it is none of our business to ask." He half smirked into his food.

*💢KKR!* I felt another vein pop up in my head. 'S-shut up!' I hissed in my mind. Suddenly bringing my hand down to my cup, and gripped it harder than usual. I was about to crush the cup in my bear hands in anger that I didn't know I had, when suddenly I felt my hand freeze in place. 'W-what?' I blinked a little.

I couldn't let go, or even tighten or loosen my grip. Something was stopping me from doing anything. 'W-what the heck...?' I now kept a blank face, as if I was thinking. But if only I knew what was stopping me from not letting me pick up my cup.

{Below the table]

There was one stream of thin violet like thread shooting out of Mahad's finger. Yes, this guy was casting a spell to restrict my hand. In fear of me wanting to chuck the cup at Seto's face. He knew I had a grudge on him, but he didn't know the main truth of my bruised face.

💨' This...girl sure dose have a strong will....' Mahad some what struggledd to keep my hands from shattering the glass. A small sweat dropped down his face under his long hair. All he had to do was eat with one hand, and arm, while keeping his other under the table restricting my own till I calm down.

{Above the table}

Meanwhile I was there sitting in confusion wanting to pick up this damn cup but couldn't. Thoughts of throwing it at Seto did come across me, but in the end my thoughts did change. True I wanted to freak him out a little, but not really wanting to break the cup because I knew it would hurt. But now I have changed I wanted to take a simple drink of something my mouth my dry, and it hurt to somewhat swallow.

I pear down into my cup like it was nothing. "Uh, excuse me? could I please have some water? It seems my cup is empty."

Mahad: ????

"Ah right away miss." The servant walked out of the room to fetch me water. When suddenly I felt my finger come free of the cup. '!! Woah..I'm free!' I could move my hand in joy now, and get the blood flowing in it. My eyes shot towards Maha. 'Hmmm.....it was you wasn't it....' I looked at him with a blank face.

But he only lifted his cup up to take a sip of his drink.💦 Pretending nothing just happened. While in his mind he was basically having a party because I didn't cause a disaster, and he could finally breath easy.

But inside Seto's deep thoughts, and such. A crazy running of a beat his mind. His pulse was rising, as if he thought something cold was watching him. ( Such as this) It took everything in his power to keep him from yelling out in the open of madness because the beat of a simple spoon on the table was driving him mad just a bit.

When his eyes suddenly locked onto mine, then to Atem's across the table. Meanwhile Yugo was in mid bite of chicken, and Yuto almost dropped his salad feeling a sudden chill in the room.

(Yu-Gi-Oh) Different Golden Gems  Atem X Reader X Diva/AigamiWhere stories live. Discover now