🌹Yugi's Letter🌸

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I was sitting at the garden table for breakfast with Atem

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I was sitting at the garden table for breakfast with Atem. The royal sacred court members joined us as well.

There was a warm drink purposely made for me requested by Mahad. So it will heal me sooner. To my surprise, it wasn't gross either. It had the essence of herbs though.

"I have a scroll for you lady ___." Suddenly
-Dark my duel spirit visits Yugi for me, seeing if he wanted to resend a letter to me. Saying he learned a technique like Mahad to send letters with a spell. I had the sudden urge to stand up and sort of slam my hands on the table. Kinda like the time Atem got extremely mad at dark Bakura in the past, the stories I heard anyways.


"A..letter??" I blinked my eyes. My sudden outburst, made Atem flinch in his seat. Almost spilling his tea. "By who?" I half-ordered.

"Here lady ____. I'm sure you will enjoy this." My duel spirit joined me halfway down the set of tables. Slowly I retreated back to my spot next to Atem. Who curiously looked over at me with one eye. Diva was currently dipping his feet in the pong that was near us, the words of a letter made him curious too.

'Who could it be?' Diva thought to himself.

My eyes scanned the letter. Instantly a strong emotion welled up in my eyes. Causing me to drop my cup from my hand, cracking it against the table. Spilling the contents.

"_-___??" My name tailed off Atem's lips as he looked concerned. Seeing that I have just broken a cup.

'Y-Yugi...' I shut my eyes for a moment, trying to swallow back my tears. "What is it ____, what's the matter??" Atem called me. His voice sounded muffled to me. I held the letter out to Atem. He took it gently from my grasp, as I needed to collect myself.

"S-servants someone please call for a cleaner. There are sharp shattered pieces of the cup here, that needs to be cleaned up before an injury occurs." Mahad spoke to his people in ancient Egyptian.

The letter read as follows.

Dear, ______

It's been so long since we last talked since you left actually. I am ever so glad to hear you are enjoying your time there in the ancient past. I wish I could do more in helping you overcome your injuries....and fears. We miss you back home _____. I understand if you do not wish to return for a while still. After all...you were wishing to stay with Atem for years now.

I remember that day clearly when you called out to me for help. Thinking I was Atem, during the time those dueling thugs were harming you. I can now talk more about that. I was worried you wouldn't let me help you, during the times you were extremely down, and sad, because he was gone. I know I can't fill that missing gap in your soul as he does. I just want you to know, that I care for you a lot, and so does Diva. So you can talk to me, or send me a letter anytime you feel down.

(Yu-Gi-Oh) Different Golden Gems  Atem X Reader X Diva/AigamiWhere stories live. Discover now