Arrival of the Past Part 3

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My eyes shot open in shock. As memories of me being attacked by a wolf pop into my mind. Panic hits me, as I remember seeing blood flow down my sword towards my hands. "💦!!!!!" Gasping as a hot burning feeling hits me.

'Stupid girl WAKE UP!' Kaiba's voice yelled at me. As my vision cleared, and I realised he was not even here, but a chill hit me.

'I-it...felt like he was right here. What the...hell is going on...?' I faced a plain brown wood ceiling. 'Argh....ughh...' I winced inside my mind, as I feel my head pound. I was in a room, more like a cabin.

I avert my eyes to my arm. *T-thump!* My heart raced again, my arm was wrapped up in some cloth.

'Cotton....?' It didn't seem the slightest fake. 'Oh god...don't tell me was Kaiba really here?????' Only that man would have fabric like this in stock easy. Suddenly I could hear something walking inside. Footsteps of boots came. It was a softer pitter patter, but still loud enough to make my very blood freeze inside me. *Creaak...* The door swung open, and my eyes seemed to face the door. My eyes went wide, like a frightened animal. I gawked at the door under the sheets, only my head poked out.

The figure was tall. I could make out a few.. colors of blue, and brown? or was that goldish. How strange, but cool. The person walked inside, but suddenly halted in place. It seemed to be gathering it's thoughts before speaking. "...hello..." It greeted kindly. " sorry if I frightened you.... I mean no harm....." It was a male. Seemed to be my age, or near it. I stayed quiet, trying to process what the hell was going on. Why was I hear? how come this guy was...

"...I brought....some soup....., you have slept...for....a long time."

'Huh? w-what did he just say.'

He seemed to take a step forward. Hopping I wouldn't fling something at him, for I was a girl, and he was a man in the same room as me a stranger nonetheless. He set the bowel down carefully on a table farther away from me, but kept his distance. "......what....happened....?" My voice came out of me quiet as a mouse, but he heard it.

"I found you..passed out in the desert sands of Egypt....covered in blood. Scared me in fact......"

I swallowed a lump in my throat. Was I in the present? or the past? "....I see..."

"....what....time is it....?" I asked trying to snuff out. Usually in the palace people would say it's noon, or evening, or about time for the sun to set.

"It's 9:00Am."

"!!!!" ' I'm back!!!!????' By the way he blinked his golden eyes that I just saw. He seemed curious, but did not push on for questions. " this place?" I asked, as he still stood far back. "A cabin, near a small town in Egypt. It...was the best I could find, your...wounds seemed pretty bad." It was like he was sorry for not being able to get any better. "..thanks....for the help. I...don't I even got here myself."

"?" He tilted his head at me, but replied. "Hmm....I was going to...go out to buy more supplies..., and food. Is there anything you need?" He adjusted his stance lightly. "Yes...please..., but could I asked you for your name?" He seeme nice, and a name shouldn't hurt us. Right? My head still pounded.

"It's Diva. "He smiled lightly. My vision was still a bit hazy. So I couldn't make out a hole lot."Thank You, my name.... is _____.....and...if it's no trouble. My....head.....hurts a bit, is there something that could help?" I looked down for a moment, seeing I was still in the same somewhat cleaned out bloody cloths from Atem's palac, mixed with my own. "Sure. Also....I'm sorry about your cloths. I did the best I could to clean the blood, but it..seemed to....not come out all the way. I- ...could find something for you to wear? if you like till."

(Yu-Gi-Oh) Different Golden Gems  Atem X Reader X Diva/AigamiWhere stories live. Discover now