Whispers Of The Past Part 1

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( Small note: I wanted to update sooner, but I was on vacation at a convention. So I was busy cosplaying. There is a link on my bio if you would like to see my cosplays.  Now I am back I can put out a small update! enjoy the story.)

I was about to speak when I looked slightly above us. I see Mahad casting a small spell. It happened so fast, that the puff of purple shine vanished.

"What is it ___?" Diva and Yugi blinked at me. 'Mahad might have just cast a spell to send a message to Atem, just as he promised.

"Yes, I'm fine..though since Yugi may not know." I pulled out my deck. I wanted to share this with him too.

I pulled out the card he mailed me a long time ago of Dark. The picture of the golden-haired Magician glittered. Then there was the Mahad's Dark Magician card of himself. Dressed in beautiful violet armour mixed with gold.

Small Note: ( Dark Magician has many card versions of himself. I thought about combining the violet classic look with his Dark Side Of Dimensions golden armour, the card I'm pretty sure is called  Palladium Oracle Mahad. To me, I believe he looks different then because he has gotten much stronger as a Magician. Since he was sent by Atem to the present, I wanted to play around with his look.)

I held up the cards. Yugi's eyes widen. "Is that Dark Magician? or Mahad from I remember. I've never seen that card before. I remember that other card, I sent you that long ago. I'm so glad you like it." Feelings washed over Yugi.

It was time to break the news to Yugi. He should know what Atem did.

"Yugi..I need to tell you. More like I think you should know. This card.." I point at Mahad's card. "Mahad is actually here with me. Watching over me and us right now." I slightly look up smiling at the magician.

"How is that possible? tell me please."
I thought for a moment, collecting my thoughts as Diva nudged me a bit to explain to Yugi.

"Go on, you have our attention." Spoke the deep blue spiky-haired man.

"When I was living in the time of Atem's era. Atem asked Mahad to watch over me when he couldn't, either because of his duties or when I left. Mahad and I were already pretty good friends, so I didn't mind.."

Yugi's violet eyes widen as he hears what i tell him. " I'm glad the pharaoh seems like you. He's a nice man. So you can see Mahad's spirit, and Dark's. Where are they?"
I point my hand up in their direction. " Right above us, sitting in the tree."

"It is nice to see you again Yugi." Mahad speaks.

"Hello up there." Yugi smiles at them, he couldn't see them, since he didn't have the puzzle anymore.

"Mahad said, It's nice to see you again." I told Yugi.

"So tell me, how did you return to our time?"
Both Yugi and Diva glanced at me. Dying to know what it took for me to get back.

- To Be Continued 🌹

(Yu-Gi-Oh) Different Golden Gems  Atem X Reader X Diva/AigamiWhere stories live. Discover now