The Stoic Face

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'No way.....did she just say Egypt?!' Kaiba was panicking a little. 'Did she know those band of weirdos? or was this all just a big accident?'  

Kaiba swallowed those thoughts, and closed his eyes. "I see...."

'He sees? is that all? I'm dying here with a panic attack, and THAT'S ALL!?'

*cough*' Ahem.....might wanna...keep it cool.' Atem smiled at me from. I felt the heat to my face rise. He didn't have to say that. It will just make it harder for me to focus.

"I...don't tell this to anyone." Kaiba pulled a serious face. His face made me sit back. Just what did this guy have on his mind, I realised that this talk was far from over.

I could just picture having Yusei trying to cool off Jack's head from seeing how long I was in this office. Yugo..., must of given in, and went off for a drive. I wasn't sure about the one I saw that looked kinda like Atem, the ones who saved my life. I wanted to thank him properly, and I was sure going to make sure of it.

I could see Atem's eyes were focused so strongly on Kaiba. What on earth was he going to say?

"In that past I had a run in with Egypt as well."

*THUMP!* It felt as if something just struck me. I shifted in my seat. Gripping my fist hard. My breathing became painful.

Images of Egypt came to my mind. I could see Preist Seto... sitting across the dinning table. The time when I met him in the hallway of the palace when Mana, and I tried to escape Mahad.

Then one more of the time I was ridding on the same horse as Preist Seto, before I fell off the cliff, and had him call out to me.

*THUMP THUMPP THUMP THUMP* My heart beat faster. Atem could sense something was off. He could tell because we shared partly the same mind.


Atem"!?" * Looks at me stunned*

"I still think that it was a bad dream, and push it away." Seto finished.

Wow, if anyone stepped in the room now, they would turn to stone. It was soo.....weird.

I knew what Kaiba meant, I didn't want to push on,he seemed to be little confused. It was as if his personality was splitting. I never seen this side to him before.

'Seto...., back in Egypt I'm glad I met you, and don't worry I won't hate you here either.'

"I...understand." Was all I could say. He straightened himself up a little, and picked the cup off the floor. "...I'm sure its fine... now, don't trouble yourself with it too much."

He nods slowly.

"Well, that ends our meeting then. I wouldn't say this to just anyone but."

I suddenly felt nervous. He was going to kick me out! I couldn't show my face here anymore. " I am considered your employment here, for odd jobs hear, and there, but other wise I'm sorry I have to let you go." He held a smirk on his face, but it was a honest one. "So.., I won't get kicked out?"

He shook his head. "Your good for job here still. I'll call you when that is, and also...." He turned in his chair a little, and looked outside from his large windows.

"If anything like this happens again, or you are in danger. Contact me. I can't let my employees be in danger."

I felt my eyes widen. Did I just strike a cord with Kaiba? or break down his hard walls. I was totally shocked, I basically became acknowledged by Seto Kaiba, and pointed out that I was worth something to him.

I wasn't just another worker in this massive place, but maybe more of a friend.

"One more think before you go* he said while facing the window* when I'm not around, watch Mokuba for me." It wasn't a order, or a threat. More like a plea.

Please watch Mokuba for me, because he is all I have left. "Of course..., thank you Mr. Kaiba."

"Drop the Mr, and I think you should get that bruise looked at, it looks....worse."


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