The face behind the mask♠

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  ( Hmmmm.........just what is it.........) I took another bite of a freshly baked bread, making a crunch sound.

* munch munch munch* I gave a deep look at the man with the large golden head piece on his head.
His hair hidden underneath, I couldn't figure out who this young man was.
( Tch... this is no help...)

"Ah______ would you like some soup?" Atem's voice caught me off guard, as I saw a bowel get placed
just under my nose. "Its some chicken broth based soup, with vegetable in it." He seemed to read my
mind as I looked down at it. Thanking him, I dipped my spoon into the bowel and sipped it.

"No problem at all." He whispered.

*sip* (Hmmmm.......)* I looked back up from the corner of my eye* Only to realize the man was now
looking at me. I felt my breath hitch inside of me. *gulp* ( Heeeh!!!! He's looking at me!!!)
I literally almost dropped the spoon back into the bowel.

"Is there something wrong Miss....?" His low voice came directed at me.
Suddenly all eyes were on me. *thump thump thumpthump!!* My heart rate rose to the sky.
(💦Ahh! no I did not want this!)

I could barley find the words to say, just so his dark eyes would stop looking at me.
" Ah no, not really."

"Hmm.....Pharaoh I thing she is not feeling well."

"Oh? Is that true?" Atem looked down at me from his large chair. I shook my head.
" N-no haha I'm fine."

They both gave me a blank face. As the rest of the table coughed in silence.
(Few........, looks like that might of worked....) But I knew it was not over yet, not until I figure out why
the face of that man looked so familiar.

"......At- * I stop myself* ( AAH! what am I doing!! I almost spilt his name! Shame on me shame on me!!)
"Ah it tradition to have such nice golden head pieces on ones head?" I tried my best
to word it kindly and not so they don't thin I hated their style.

Everything went quiet yet again.

A smile was aimed at me by him. "Well actually yes it is. It depends on what you like to ware. Then
again if one was to walk in the dessert in daylight, the sun can be very dangerous.But, surely you know
that too."

I nod my head in agreement. ( So I'm stuck with this head thing...) At least it still showed my face and
hair. Unlike his.....

I narrowed my eyes for a second. "......Sir...?" I called out to the man.

"Hm, what is it?" He set his wine glass down, and gave me a annoyed look.
(Geeze.....and I was being nice too)
" What may I call you by, what name? Oh and the rest of you too. I wish to know the names of those I met."

To this everyone's eyes widen, from the young men and women. They all seemed surprised, as if no one once dared to ask them for their names before.

"Very well then." He nods his head.

"You may call me Seto, I am the Priest here for and works under the Pharaoh."
( Seto..!? wait.....isn't that....Kaiba's first name as well? My boss.... no it couldn't be)
I saw a women with a elegant headdress on her head mostly made of cream coloured cloth." As for me my name is Isis, nice to meet you_____." She smiled at me.

Not longer after everyone at the table introduced them selves to me, and what position they held in the kingdom.
Then my eyes fell to the empty seat at the table.
".....what about the empty seat...., is there someone who will come later?" I spoke in a shy voice, trying to hide my many questions.

Everything fell silent for a moment. Until a voice spoke up." The one who sits there,......won't be coming."
(Won't be coming?)
I looked down."......I wonder why....." I whispered softly.
"He used to be the one closest to the Pharaoh, if you must know."
" I see......" I looked to the side. " I wish I could of met him.."

"______......." Atem whispered next to me.
"Yes..Mahad was quite a nice man, he was great friends with the Pharaoh, and always will be." Isis spoke.

( that was his name..) I repeated the name in my head.
" Well Its nice to meet you all." I smiled.
"As to you Miss_____." They all replied to me.

Finishing my food, I left the room. Everyone went to their daily duties as I wandered around the palace.
I stopped and stood at a window looking over the dessert and gardens.
"....I wonder who he was......, Atem's friend....."

"You know my name?"

"!!!" the sudden voice from behind made me jump and turn suddenly. Only to see hands held up to me. It was the Pharaoh.

"Ah P-Pharaoh, you scared me."
"Did I, I'm sorry I didn't mean to."
I looked away a little shy.
"That name you just said, where did you hear of it?"
Before I knew it, I was stuck in his gaze one again. The violet eyes gave me almost a stern look. It was scaring me just a bit. He stepped closer to me, for not giving a answer yet.


"Ah.....well see.......Its a long story."

His violet eyes widen for a moment, then soften. " Why don't we take a walk, I have time."
Feeling scared a little to tell him I knew his name, and what was going on last night. I still took his offer.


"I'm sorry."

"W-what?" I stopped in my tracks at Atem's words.

"For having you figure out in such a tragic way." Atem looked down, was he blaming himself. There was no reason it was his fault. ( N-no its not his fault! It was me......, I was the one who forgot...)

"No its not. It was my fault." I swallowed my sadness that swept over me." I had no idea you left. I should of know right away, but I didn't." I crushed my toes inside my shoes.


"No, it isn't your fault it was mine. I left back to my world and time after Yugi set me free. I failed to tell you sooner......" He was blaming himself, I didn't like it. The thought made me sick, it made my stomach twist and turn as the pieces fell into place.
"W-wait......where you the one who....."
Atem nods his tri coloured hair. " I was the one who tried to contact you. However,* He averted his eyes* it came to be a nightmare for you, and for that I am truly sorry."

Atem bowed his head to me that day. I have found my first lost lost friend. It hurt soo much to see him like this, I forgave him a hundred times over. It felt wrong seeing him bow to me.

"Atem.....its alright. I forgive you, please....." I reached over to him, touching his long tall spiked black part of his hair. It was as soft a velvet. "No not until your nightmare comes to a end, I will not stop."
He touched my hand and lifted it from his hair and brought it down in front of us.
"You said you wished to see the one who was missing at the table."

"Ah...y-yes..., but if he isn't-"
Atem cut me off with a smile." Come to the palace garden with the tall trees, and the rest will come clear."
He squeezed my hand gently. Making my heart sink.
"Alright, I will."
Slowly he dropped my hands and walked away down the halls on the palace.
My heart was beating really fast at his words. ( The rest...?)

* Tap..tap tap...* I slowly made my way to the palace garden just as Atem has told me.
Pushing the door open I was showed to a large garden, with the hot sun beating down.
the heat hit me strong the second I stepped out. Waking down the dirt walkway, in the distance I saw a tall figure standing looking over at the river by a tree.

(?.?.?who) I couldn't tell who it was, the person was wrapped in a large cream coloured cloths, with a hood pulled over his head. Yet for some reason I had the feeling I should walk up to the person.
*Thump thump thump*

( Its hot....) I took another step towards the tree the person was under.

I took one more step, to realize I was quite close. A kind soft voice spoke. " Its nice to see you again _____."

"!!!!!" The figure turned, only to have my eyes widen soo much! that pure shock stood on my face.
Under the cream coloured hood was the face of the Dark Magician.


"D-Dark Magician." I stood there frozen to the ground, as the figure pulled his hood off his head, showing the violet armour he wore under.
"Yes its me." He smiled at me. The Magician I loved ever since I was little, the deep dark blue eyes. Long dark hard. There was no doubt about it, he was Yugi's or should I say Atem's friend and partner.

"N-no way." I shuttered." I can't believe it...its really you." He kept his distance and nodded his head. "If it wasn't me, could I not do this?" Out of thin air, the large violet hat came into his hand.
"Dark Magician.... I missed much......" "To think I would meet you again.
As I stuttered I failed to realize something hanging above my head.

"______❗❗Look Out!!"


(Yu-Gi-Oh) Different Golden Gems  Atem X Reader X Diva/AigamiWhere stories live. Discover now