🌸Pyramid Of Puzzles Part 6🌹

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"So you were chased, and had to jump down the waterfall?" I leaned forward blinking curiously at Diva.

"Yes, there was some animal, probably a wild dog. It clearly did not want me there."

'Few....I'm glad I didn't see that.' A small sweat drop formed on the side of my face. 'Poor guy though.'

"..we should go. I don't think staying around here too long is good."

"Do you sense something?" I asked Diva. He shakes his head. "No.., but if someone could it would be Atem. After all, this place seems to be testing us."

I shivered a bit. "Very well.., let's go." The two of us got to our feet. Quietly we followed the path laid out in front of us. We passed the waterfall.

(Time Skip)

A wall..., a dead-end wall.

"Seriously?" I blinked. Diva looked puzzled. "W-we can't go back there..!" I said frustrated. "Yeah no, there is nothing there for us. Come on there has to be a way out."

I scanned the walls. "Hold on...." I looked up to the ceiling. "Oh wow....Diva." I nudged him to look up. His golden brown eyes widen. "My...that is interesting."

It was a tunnel opening in the ceiling. It seemed to lead up, assuming it was a way out of here. "Yeah, but look at that..." I held my torch up higher. On the wall glistened small pieces of rocks. They looked sharp, not razor sharp, but it would cause scrapes for sure.

Diva crinkled up his nose a bit. "That's..not pleasant.."

"H-heeeellllo....?!" A voice echoed far up above us. The walls carried the voice for us.

"Heellloo...anyone there??" The voice was really soft.

I nearly punches Diva in the arm, excited that someone was above us. "S-say something...!"

"AH -w-why-why me???"

"If anyone is there, p-please say something..." The voice started sounding a bit sad, it was even softer.

"H-hello...!??" Diva cleared his voice and called up.

There was a short pause.

"So there is someone down there...!" We heard the voice say.

"W-who are you...!?" I asked.

"No way...! ______!?" The voice was louder. My stomach began to flutter.

"It's him! , Atem!!" I called up.

"Thank goodness! Are you two alright!?" Man he was far away, his voice was slightly muffled.

"YES!, but we are stuck! Dead END!"

"Stay calm, I'll thinking!" Atem went quiet for a while.

"D-did he leave...?" I whispered to Diva. My friend placed a hand on my shoulder. "Don't worry...I'm sure he's still around. Looking for a way."

'Even if we can go up, those rocks.......' I was worried about that.

A rope suddenly dropped down in front of us. It lightly moved up and down. "He found a rope..!" Diva smiled.

"Climb on! I'll pull you up."

I swallowed. "D-Diva...the rocks..."

"I know...but still you should go first. I'll be right behind you."

(Yu-Gi-Oh) Different Golden Gems  Atem X Reader X Diva/AigamiWhere stories live. Discover now