Can't afford a word

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Kaiba was for once outside of his office. Taking his time sitting in a coffee shop, but of course it was pricey. Drinking the Blue-Eyes Mountain Coffee, that apparently even Jack obsessed over.

Kaiba breathed in it's rich, scent. 'Hmm...I needed this..' I told himself.

Taking just a tiny sip of it, when a voice made him pop just one eye open, and look up.

"Oh, hello." The voice looked down at Kaiba's table. In Kaiba's eyes it was just another person to ignore, with blonde hair. "Hi..." Was all the brunette said.

"Drinking Blue-Eyes- Coffee?" The blonde looked at Kaiba again, but kept his distance.

"....yes..." He said.

"I happen to like it myself, and ordered it. May I sit here?" He pointed at the chair across from Kaiba.

Kaiba only nods, and sips again, looking back at his cup.

Before you knew it, the two began drinking coffee together. "This is good."

"Indeed." The brunette replies. "So, what might your name be?" The blonde looked down. 'Huh? you'r telling me he hasn't heard of Seto Kaiba?' Now this shocked him.

"Seto Kaiba." He said in a low voice.

The blonde's eyes snapped open, almost chocking on his coffee. 'N_no WAY!? Theee KAIBA?'

"And your's?'

"Well, Jack Atlas." 'Pfft, he doesn't know who I am? Impossible."

The two looked up from their cups, and looked each other dead in the eye. "So... your my friend's boss."

"And you live in the same building as my past employee."

The two look at each other again. "Same person?" Jack adds.

"_____." Kaiba said.


The two nod in agreement." Look here..., if anything happens to______, near your area-"

"Wouldn't dream of it." Kaiba finishes.

"Right." The two nod in agreement, knowing all would stay fine between them for the sake of their lives, their job profile, and ______ of course."

"What do you mean by past?" Jack asks.

"Ha.....* Kaiba sighs* she watches my little brother now."

"I see, as long as all is right then."

The two order one more coffee each, along with a bit of food. They stayed actually very quiet. People that passed by gawked at the two rich guys sitting at the same table drinking coffee.

Except the people knew they couldn't afford to say a word. The two didn't know as much at the time, but they both needed this rest to blow off their stress.

Kaiba with loaded paper work, stress, and Jack getting chased in to having turbo duels with others, and fangirls.​​​​​​​

(Yu-Gi-Oh) Different Golden Gems  Atem X Reader X Diva/AigamiNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ