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My eyes widen in shock, as everyone turned their heads.
"J-Jack..?! your back."

"Forget that! _____, is that you!?" Jack stomped forward into the room, freaking poor Yugo out. I felt soo bad for him, it was like her was a ghost, because Jack had no idea he was standing their, and nearly slammed the door in his face.
I nod my head because I was too scared to say anything. He was too loud for my taste right now. "You had us worried sick! Where did you go!?"
Jack wasn't angry or anything, but his loud voice was giving me a headache. ​ I looked at Yusei. He wasn't looking at me. 'Hn.' Then looked towards Yugo.
Maybe he could help me. 'Oh Please! some one do something,....m-m-my...head.....'
Jack was only a few steps away from my face. When a idea hit me. I through my hands up on my head. Leaning forward.
"Ah,______? you alright?"

" head hurts.........."
"NICE GOING JACK! You caused her head to hurt!" Crow scolded the man in white. Making Jack step back in shame. "A-ah....forgive me...." He looked to the side.
"It's okay...Jack. I forgive you. Nice to see you too." I smiled up at him.

​​​​"However...., I'm not sure he will though...." I pointed towards Yugo, still standing there in shock, was he shuttering?
Jack turned to face the young turbo duellist. "Who are you?"
"!!" (C_CRAP! Jack careful! Yugo is!)
"I am not a who! My name is Yugo!"
"💦Ugh......Jack.., * I look up with one eye* He's my friend."
Just before he was going to mouth off poor Yugo trying to match their voices to each other, he bit his lip. "Oh I see, well than if he is your friend then fine by me."
'And he walks out...random as always.' I looked at Yugo who was still fuming.

(Hah, they seem to be fun friends to have.) Yami spoke to me.
'Yeah.., without them I would of still been very sad since you left...' Atem looked at me with sympathy.
"Yusei, Crow..."
The two looked at me. "What is it ____?"
"Could you...., possible bring me some food."
"Anything! just name it." Crow smiled, while Yusei had his full attention on me. ".....I want.....soup....with lots of noodles....but with fresh vegetables.., tea...., and........"
"And?" Crow looked at me.

"Strawberry chocolate cake."

"Of course you can just that will take some time to get. Are you sure you will be fine alone?" Yusei looked at me with concern.
"*cough*....well..., I could watch her...., I mean since.....I owe you guys that much for letting me stay.."
"Great! thank's Yugo."

The two waved off leaving Yugo, and I in the room alone. ​​

(Yu-Gi-Oh) Different Golden Gems  Atem X Reader X Diva/AigamiWhere stories live. Discover now