🌹Sun Burnt Part 2🔥

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It hurt, it burned so much.

Atem's violet eyes looked at me, I couldn't tell if he was upset, or sad.

"Dear...._____. By the look on your face you seem as if, you think I will yell at you."  Atem shakes his head, making his hair sway a bit on the edges. "No, never I would never hurt you."

Atem reached out and grabbed my wrist where It wasn't burning red. "Right now, I need you to please listen. I need you to go to my room and wait for me while I find Mahad. He has the knowledge to make an ointment for your skin." He looked serious now, his eyes told me he was about to go on a mission.

"Can I ask something...?"

His stern act dropped. "Of course, why wouldn't you be able to?" 'Because you are a king.' I mentally thought.

"Are you.. upset, also why your room?"

Atem lightly sighed and put a hand on top of my head. "No, just concerned. Those burns will take a while. Also..as to why my room. I don't want the guards or anyone else to walk in on you for questioning. Yes, it's not something that happens often, still. If it's Mana, the news could spread." He searched my eyes for a moment, hoping his answers eased my thoughts.

"Alright.., I'll go." Atem gently touched my shoulder and walked me out of the room, checking to make sure no one was around, not even Seto. That was the last thing he needed. Seto had a loud mouth at times.

Atem opened the door for me. "Please wait here, make yourself at home." I nod my head. Atem leaves hell-bent on finding me a cure.

( In the Magician's training room)

Mahad and Atem were slightly arguing over a cure.

"An ointment for such a thing? We have never had that problem here before. Only fainting from too much sun."

Atem put a hand up on his forehead, taking a deep breath his voice went a little more strict  Mahad knew he was only frustrated so he didn't take it to heart.

"Yes I know, You Must Understand..! ____ is from a different part of the world, where the sun isn't like ours. She isn't used to living with it that harshly. I am telling you it has made her skin red where too much sun touched it. It pains her she needs something to treat it. Can you please! help me with this?"

Mahad's eyes widen, it was a while since he saw his King this frustrated. "Yes, I can though..I need to do some digging with herbs first. It takes time to prepare. F-for now, give her this. It may help dull the pain. I would say put cool water on it, but it may flame it more."

Atem bowed his head to his friend. His eyes danced with emotion. "I will bring it to you as soon as it is ready."

"Thank you, friend." Atem turned on his heel. He passed by Seto down the halls. Seto saw the look on the Pharoah's face. Frustration, and determination. He only wondered what could make Atem look like this, at this time of day. It was quiet here, there was peace.

Seto rolled his eyes, he thought he should mention this to Mahad.

(Yu-Gi-Oh) Different Golden Gems  Atem X Reader X Diva/AigamiWhere stories live. Discover now