✨For that is what he would want

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I look up with my hazy eyes that slowly begin to clear. " ____!"

"Lady _____!" I hear multiple voices.

Then I see who they belonged to. It was Rainbow, Pegasus and Amethyst all running in my direction.
They all stop in front of me. " ____! are you alright?" Amethyst looked at me worried, seeing my soaked.

*Drip....drip* Water pattered off my wet bangs onto the dirt.

I nod." Actually I'm okay, surprisingly." I let out a smile. They couldn't believe their ears. I was okay, not even a scratch on me.
"You scared the life out of us lady____." Rainbow bowed his large dragon head down to my face. His golden eyed gleamed, reflection my eyes in his. He nudged me with is face.

"Ha hey...!.I'm okay don't worry." I patted the dragon's head.
Wait a second! Their voices seemed to be even closer than before. It isn't even like their speaking in my mind anymore.

I gasp. " You guys..! I can hear you outside of my mind!" My eyes widen.

"Guess it happened, we were really worried. Seems like our soul's have connected even more to each other. " Pegasus shook his mane.
Yet I knew they still wouldn't be able to be seen by most people.
I looked at my phone.


"What is it? aren't you going to look at it?" Amethyst sat down next to me. I nod." May as well..."

I tap my phones screen. Pulling up the message I read them.

Yusei: ( Ah...don't worry about it. Thanks for you're concern.)

There was another message from Yusei.

Yusei:( Hey,_____ you haven't said a word for a while, you okay?)

My heart jumped, at his saddening words.

Jack:( ____!! you better ANSWER YUSEI NOW! You hear me!!!?)

"Eee-e-e-eeeeee..k.....J-Jack is mad.." I cringed at his words.

I could feel Ruby sitting on my head now, she too has pulled back a little at the words.

There is was the last message. Yusei:( We left the mall, we will meet you back at the house then. See you then ____.)

"......" I didn't know what to say. I almost could of hurt myself, or worse ended up really injured if that truck hit me.

I sigh." W-wow.......sooo.........I guess....I should go back right?" I looked at my duel spirits.

They all looked down. "Guys..?" I blinked.

"Well.., sure I think it is best for you to return to them." Pegasus spoke up.

"Well then lets go." I stand up.

"!!!" I feel a slight sting in my leg, making me stop in my tracks.

"? lady...?" Rainbow and Pegasus spoke in unison.

"Ahah...I'm fine." I tried laughing it off.

I looked up, this was going to take a while to find our way back up.

{ Not long after that}

The was going down, it was almost dark. I finally found my way up into the street. It was quiet, barley any cars, came on the road.
Amethyst walked next to me still, I tried to tell him he could go rest, but he wouldn't leave me. Rainbow, Pegasus and Ruby all went to sleep and vanished back into my deck to sleep.

* Tap......tap...* "..its dark now." He spoke.

"I know..........but I can'r stop hear... Amethyst you can go sleep if you want, you don't need to stay up with me."

* tap............tap.....tap....* I took a few more steps.

" Out of the question, I will not leave you out here alone." He was stubborn. Still loyal to the end.

".....I hope Yusei isn't too worried....." I changed the question.

"..I would be surprised if he wasn't." Amethyst added.

Not before long I started to sway left and right a little.

".___? what is the matter?" My cat tilted his head

"Oh n-nothing...." I straightened myself up and walked normal again. Trying to blink sleep away.


"..........................." I tried to focus my eyes on the road ahead of me.


"Huh..!?"I looked down to see Amethyst looking up at me. "You're swaying, are you okay?"

"...Just sleepy I guess......"

"Mh.....guess we have no choice... follow me then."

"O-okay." I followed after him, to a tall building, climbing up the steps slowly. We reached a roof. "Rest hear for the night."

"B-but... I."

"___..!" His voice became stern. " Come on listen, you need to sleep. Look you can barley stand up."

"....f-fine...." I walked over to a wall, and sat on the ground. I lie down, setting my bad beside me, that had my duel disk.

( I musn't sleep..........) I blinked. ( N-no........if I sleep.....I'lll leave him alone.....) * Blinks slower*

( ....if I don't go back...Yusei....and the others will be w-wooorrie....d.....) Before I knew it, my efforts were waisted. I fell asleep.

Some time during my sleep, Amethyst came up behind me, and lied down. His soft rose fur keeping me warm. I slept with him next to me. Protecting me, watching over for any dangers while I slept. For that is what he believed what Jesse would wan't it he was here.

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