🌹Blood Stains🌹

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The next morning Atem quietly rose up from his bed. Feeling refreshed. the rest of the night he had much more tame dreams.

(Reader/My POV)

I woke up a couple of minutes before Atem. When it happened he slowly rose up from his bed withe his back facing me. I watched quietly from my corner. He did not seem to notice me yet.

I glanced down seeing bloodstains on his bed. I felt awful about this.

Atem reached an arm out to the side and grabbed his white sleeveless shirt. Slipping it on himself. I averted my eyes, as he turned his head to face me in my general direction. Noticing I was awake.

"Morning." He greeted softly. I looked back up at him, not noticing my eyes looked like a frightened cat's. 'Oh...the times I wished I could just text Diva or Yugi.' My phone didn't have service here. Though I could take pictures if I wanted.

Atem studied my face a little longer. I slowly got off his bed, dressed in the clothes i wore yesterday. 'Woops..' I slowly began to walk into the bathroom, past Atem. His eyes followed me wondering why I was so quiet.

(POV Swapping a bit to Atem's)

'.....' Atem stood up and walked closer to the area where I slept. His sharp eyes suddenly locked with what remained on his crispy white bed sheets. 'OOh...no..' He was surprised though I mentioned nothing of the blood, but why didn't I?

' He was surprised though I mentioned nothing of the blood, but why didn't I?

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(Reader/ POV)

'Shiit..he probably knocks..crap...'

Just being able to sense how quiet it was out there, made me worry more. Not able to hide in the bathroom forever, I slowly walk out. My stomach drops seeing Atem standing there looking down at his bed puzzled.

Even with my careful steps, he snapped his head back up at me. his eyebrows were furrowed. "____....." He said softly, trying not to scare me.

I averted my eyes. Trying to walk out to his balcony to clear my head. "I..I'm sorry...!" My voice cracked. Making Atem worry that I was about to cry. "N-no ___ d-don't run. It's alright." His voice halted me.

"You're 'e...in pain." He could tell, there was no hiding the injuries pain returned. "Let me, treat the wounds." He offered. "You can use that." He motioned to the sofa he slept on.

"I... ruined your sheets...I-i'm soo sorry." I began to literally bow my head down to him. Knowing they were probably the most expensive white sheets.

"Oh, do not worry about that. I don't care for them that much. They can be replaced." He now stood in front of my face. My head was hung down though with embarrassment. Knowing he wasn't breaking any stranger barriers, because of the close bond we had. Atem gently reached a hand out to the side of my face. "P-please....do not bow your head to me." He lifted my head up, making me look into his soft violet eyes.

(Yu-Gi-Oh) Different Golden Gems  Atem X Reader X Diva/AigamiWhere stories live. Discover now