Mirror ♦

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" WHAT!? are you serious?" Kaiba just about broke his desk in two.
Mokuba tried to stay calm while his brother was still prepossessing the message that was thrown at him.

"Yes, Seto." Mokuba was scared to even tell his brother once again.

( Tch..! to think this happens after her accident. I should of asked for a extra name on the resume!!!)
Kaiba was annoyed, no maybe scared, worried? Even he didn't know.



"What else did this Yusei tell you? when was the last time they saw her?"

Mokuba swallowed, and explained calmly

{In the city}

"Just where is she...!?" Jack's runner's motor called down the streets. Splashing through the puddle of water, from the freshly fallen rain on the night streets. His blonde strands of hair in the front flew in the wind, while his violet eyes where stern, and filled with determination.
( You wanted to find your friends.) He told himself.

( You miss them, it tore at your heart.)

* Vvvvvvrrr*

( You wanted to find Jesse, and Judai, and this is what happens to you.)
He gripped the silver handle bars of his runner. " I swear we will fine you ____, and bring you home to your friends."

{ The time of the Pharaoh}

My eyes widen as I pulled the last bit of fabric off.
Only to feel a violent sting in my leg, shooting through me like electricity.

"!!!!" * gasp* I flinch, almost falling back when a sudden voice catches me off guard.

( You mustn't..! )

"!!" My eyes widen as I was about to look down, only to find a large hand hover over my leg. I could see long golden locks on hair drop, as eveything came to a hault, as the stining feeling slowly went away.
"D-Dark?" My eyes move up.

( Forgive me___, but you shouldn't see this. It was my fault for letting you get bitten.)

He was about to wrap up back up, but I stopped him. "Wait, I wanted to, change it." More like see it. However, even my own thoughts where not safe with him.

Dark looked up into my eyes, his deep blue ones holding a uneasy look. " Please..." I added.
( Alright, but will you let me clean it?) He was acting very protective now, it wasn't anything that I was use to. I did everything alone, so I didn't like to rely on people.

I nod my head. He pulled back his cool hands, only to feel the sting of the air touch the marks. I looked down seeing 2 red bite marks, that where slightly swollen. They where not ugly, or revolting, but it was strange to see. I have never been bitten before.

( Here...) Dark breathed as he gently touched my leg and began cleaning it. It clenched my teeth at the sting.

"....where is Dark Magician.?" I ask.

My Dark Magician with blonde locks paused for a moment. ( He had to return to the Pharaoh's side, and told me he will be back as soon as he can.)

Just as he finished his swords he was about to wrap my leg back up all the way to my knee, but I stopped him. "Wait..Dark, only wrap the little area where the fang marks are." I only wanted to have my legs back, so I could move without being held back.
( Alright.) Just like I said, he only wrapped the small fang marks up, and stood up tall.

( I'm sorry I was late, I would of come sooner, but I had to keep watch with Mahad make sure Atem got to you on time.)

"Wait.. Mahad?" Dark's eyes widen in sudden shock. ( Oh! lady ____ I'm sorry I shouldn't of-) He cut himself off.
"Please tell me who is this Mahad?" (Wait...could it be....)

My mind flashed me a reply. I might not of had a Egyptian past, but I had friends who did.
The image of the dinning table yesterday came to me, the empty seat next to Priest seto, and Isis.
To my shock it was.

( Yes..._____ you know...) Just as I thought, that empty seat at the table, was Dark Magician's seat.
I averted my eyes, as a sad wave hits me. Something was telling me that, Dark Magician or Mahad had something happen in his past.

Dark:(💨...don't worry ___.) * a hand came down on my head*
I blinked my tears back. I could feel my hair shift, as Dark tried to calm down my rapid beating heart.

Not long after the Atem came into my room, while Dark stay close my side. Atem apologized about 20 times
saying that he has failed to keep me safe, and a King should never let that happen to a guest. As his apology, he has left me with a golden dagger, and a black horse brought to me by Priest Seto. Telling me these will keep me safe for however long I am here.

" So you do know..." Atem spoke.

I nod my head, as the large cream coloured headset slide froward on my head. Atem takes a step froward to the window. "He may have a different look, but he is still a precious friend to me, and a strong magician. If you ever need mine, or his help don't hesitate to ask. I have told Mahad to help you out around the palace."

(Stay) I ordered to my headset, pushing it up off my eyes.
Dark: ( Hehe) He laughed from behind, wanting to pull the headset up farther after realizing it was sinking forward again. But no he didn't....because I was sending some annoyed vibes off.
"Oh, thank you." I smiled from the back of my mind.

"Something tells me you are on a quest." Atem turns to face me. The back of his spiked hair has been lit up from the sunlight outside making it glisten.
"......" I wasn't sure if I should speak of it. He had enough troubles as a Pharaoh, looking for two friends is nothing compared to ruling the land.

"____?" Atem's eyes looked a little worried at my silence. " Oh.., its nothing big." Was my reply.

But this didn't made the questions end, it made him question back carefully. " Well...., I would like to help if its not any trouble." I looked around his violet gaze, and his form.
I didn't want help, not right now. I haven't had a good look around this world, and thought of where they are.

( Calm.....) Dark whispered behind me. He was right, I should keep my cool. Why was I getting all defensive. Still not looking at him or his eyes I spoke. " Its fine, It shouldn't be much longer till my quest ends. Anyways, Mirror must be restless, I should bring him out for a walk." I bow my head slightly, and walk away not looking at his face or amethyst eyes.

"Ah wait.....!.......*Atem paused* you...don't have to bow...."He dropped his arm back to his side.  

(Yu-Gi-Oh) Different Golden Gems  Atem X Reader X Diva/AigamiWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt