Dangerous Side Of The Street Part 2

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'W-wait I know this guy!'

Spilt latte on the ground. I felt horrible, for just wasting this person's money. I looked up and met soft chocolate brown eyes and slightly messy spiky white locks.

"I'm so sorry, I should have paid more attention." A familiar soft voice of a male with an accent hit me. I looked up after wincing to myself for being stupid.

"N-no way. Bakura, is that you?" Of course, it was him, I couldn't miss that person so easily. I was just making sure I wasn't seeing things.

"Oh my ____!" His chocolate brown eyes lit up seeing me standing there in shock. He didn't wear the millennium ring anymore, that was ancient history now. At least that's what some of us hopped. The ring's evil spirit wasn't exactly that friendly until Atem was to Yugi.

"Well, this is interesting. I haven't seen you in so long." I glanced at the ground by our feet. Spilt latte.

"I um..., I'm sorry for slapping it out of your hand," I said shyly. Bakura smiled at me lightly. "Don't worry bout that, I can always get another. How have you been?"

"Lady ____ who is this boy?" Dark asked from next to me. 'I'll tell you later.' I said inside my mind to him. "Very well."

"Here how about we get you another latte? I'll pay for you. Then we can talk more okay?"

Bakura nods his head. "Sure, that sounds lovely."

( Cafe)

Inside the cafe, Bakura and I ordered drinks. Though he didn't want me to pay for his, even though it was my fault for spilling it. I was able to convince him in the end. At times like these, I wished Atem was here. Even when he was sharing a body with Yugi. His presence was pleasant to have around. It was odd...to not have this around. As much as I care for Diva. Atem was another figure in my life, I missed a lot too.

I still had no idea what I would do about these feelings, I tears at me a little. 

"Okay ___, so where do we begin?" We sat down in the far window corner of the cafe. Bakura got his mocha latte, and I had chocolate-flavoured bubble tea for a change.

Mahad joined me and Dark at the table. He stood there leaning against the window with his arms crossed. Listening in on our stories.

( Small Time Skip)

"Oh wow, I never knew you went through so much. It's good to know you are alright these days."

Bakura glanced to the side where I told him Mahad was watching us. It took him a bit to understand, but he remembered that the whole thing with the spirit in his ring was all odd too.

"So..Mahad..or the pharaoh's greatest servant is here.."

I nod my head. "That's pretty cool indeed. They must be great people to you. I met Diva went he wasn't exactly in the greatest state, so it took me time to think about he wasn't a bad person. It's good to hear that he has changed his ways, and has given you shelter."

I smiled at Bakura lightly. "I want to visit Egypt too again, maybe this time. Kinda like when you said you lived in Egypt. Besides all the creepy things, it sounds fun."

"Nice! It is a lovely place. Quite hot outside, but fun. I might go back there for a trip again. I'll let you know. Maybe you want to go then still."

(Yu-Gi-Oh) Different Golden Gems  Atem X Reader X Diva/Aigamiजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें