🌹Let Me Share My Home With You🌹

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Diva's face began to flood with emotion from the silence. I averted my eyes from his golden brown ones.

"I...do not hame a home.."

His stomach dropped.

"I only recently came back, I went to see it. It's..a mess, nothing left. Diva..I have Nothing LEFt.!" My voice began to crack up. Tears welled in my eyes.

"I'm sorry... Since you shared. As for me, I have returned a couple of weeks ago. I overheard you were living with Atem at that time. Seeing you happened, I told myself I'll let you enjoy your time, and wait for your return at this time."

Diva kneeled down across from me. "Let me help you.., you can live in my home if you like?"

The warm night breeze blew at Diva's long locks of hair. It looked soo beautiful as they swayed. I glanced at Dark Magician for a moment. Diva followed my gaze with his golden-brown eyes.

'What is she looking at? Could it be...'

Mahad nods his head.

I turned my head back to Diva. "..alright, thank you Diva. I..don't know how to repay you." He reached out a hand to mine and touch the top. "No need to worry about that. Let's just get you home." He stood up with a small genuine smile. "I'll show you the way." He reached out an arm and placed it over my shoulder to lead me. 

Man..he smelt really nice, it was pleasant.

"Are you alright___?" Diva glanced at me as we walked. In some areas, the streets were pitch black others lit up from lights. "For the most part.., tired I think."

"Say..uh..if I may ask. Do you possibly have a duel spirit with you?"

"Huh?" I looked up at Diva, he wasn't much taller than me. I was surprised. "H-how?"

"So you do. I could just tell, by the way, you look to your side." He was sharp, It didn't take him long to catch on. "So..who is it that is guarding you?" Diva asked curiously. "Who is the lucky spirit?"

I held back a blush. "W-well.., It's Dark Magicicna, or should I say Mahad."

"Wait, you mean the pharaoh's guardian? My that's interesting, how is it he is here?" Diva was glad someone was watching over me. He couldn't only imagine how Kaiba would react knowing I'm back. Yes..Diva wasn't that fond of Kaiba. He knew how I once worked for the man in his office.

I assumed at this point I was fired, I wanted to avoid Kaiba for a while. I shook the thoughts of a angry Kaiba from my mind.

"Well..,Atem asked him to join me. They cast some spells when we were heading back. He is living in a card right now, but his soul is here. So he's mostly alive."

"Interesting, I'm glad he helped you. Ah, here we are." Diva took his arm off my shoulder. I looked up at the apartment home Diva seemed to live in. It was nice, looked peaceful too.

"Welcome to my home." Diva began to unlock his doors, and let me enter first.

White walls, not a huge place. It was clean, fresh smelling. He had some plants in his home.

"It's nice." I muttered. Diva's ears picked up my voice, he glanced at me. Speaking in a soft voice he said. "Why thank you..., my sister says It looks nice as well."

"Come I'll make you some tea, and a meal." I set my bag down to the side and followed him to the kitchen. I sat down on a chair waiting as Diva began to grab stuff for me.

"Lady ____, you seem better now." I heard Mahad speak. "Yeah..." I mumbled quietly in reply.

"If you do not mind, I need to rest for a while. Call on me if you need anything."

'Thank you Mahad.' I replied to him. He could hear my thoughts at times. With a light touch on my head from him, Mahad left to rest.

"Here you go." Diva placed a teapot down for me. "Have as much as you like. You like green tea if I remember right?"

"Yes, but others as well. Thank you." I quietly said. It was nice to be treated with kindness by him. He was the first one to welcome me back. I had no idea where Yugi or Yusei was.

"Hey..Diva. Have you seen Yugi around since you came back?"

He turned a bit to me from the kitchen. His golden hairpiece glittering. "I think I walked by him on the street a couple of days ago. I assume you want to meet up with him?"

"Well, it's been a while. I want to tell him how the Pharoah is. I'm sure he would like to know."

"Right, well I'll see what I can do. For now..." He sat down a plate of food for me. "Eat.., and rest. You have been through a lot." I looked down at the food and tea.

Diva sat down across from me. He could spot a tiny tear in the corner of my eye. I didn't look sad at him, it must have been from being happy and feeling tired.

Diva picked up some tea in a cup too.

Tomorrow he thought he would try to help locate my friends. The only thing he worried about was Kaiba...

Diva may be a better version of himself not being controlled by power and sadness. Still, he didn't always see eye to eye with the rich man Kaiba.

'I will do whatever I can to keep your light shining.' He thought to himself.

(Yu-Gi-Oh) Different Golden Gems  Atem X Reader X Diva/AigamiNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ