♠The Ways of a Sorcerer ♣

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Here I was, the day I was to leave secretly with Mahad. Eventually the departure was moved to the next day do to some sandstorms in the area, making it unsafe to go. I was dressed in my cloths specially for magicians.

We decided to change it up a bit once again. Mana handed me a dress like hers that was a little longer. Longer traditional boots that went to my knees with the cream color on everything. I used my headdress with a long cape like Atem's hanging down at the back. I needed to keep my hair covered mostly for this. Also Mana did some of my makeup, and handed me a the liner she used to put it on later incase it came off. She made lines like hers on the corner of my eyes as well, so that I would blend in with the others. There was also a extra cloth that could fall over my face from the front, and still see through it incase of sand.

*Tap....tap...tap..* I walked out into the light, my phone tucked away with me deck under my cloths, facing towards the back so no one could see it. My eyes just a bit widened seeing the other magicians prepare to leave. I kept my face at a level look. 'Okay.. now keep in cool...don't show off that I'm a childish women, or it could mean id be hated....' Feeling my heart beat 100 times per minute I walked towards them. 'C-come on Mana, I need my weapons...' I worried, thinking she didn't find anything.

I leaned next to the large stone pillar from the rest. Gaining a bit of looks. I could hear them whisper things such as. Who am I? and how come they never saw me before. Another problem was...,I was the only girl....the rest were all men.

*Tap..tap...tap..* I could hear footsteps come approaching towards us. "!" I looked over seeing Mahad enter, walking tall. His eyes scanning the area.

Till I see Mana pop out from behind a pillar on the opposite side of me, holding a long object in her hand, it seemed to be a sword hidden inside the sheath, 'S-she found one!' I was soo happy. Till I saw Mahad call to her, making her flinch in position.

"Mana? what are you doing here." He called out to her. His eyes dropped to the object in her hand."Hello master. Well you see, the magician down there forgot her weapon. I was going to give it to her." She partly lied.

"?.?.? a magician with a weapon such as that?" He blinked, looking toward me leaned against the pillar in my own word. I looked pretty calm to him, though my nerves were through the roof. "Very well." Mahad spoke.

"Yay...!" Mana cheered running over to me. "Here you go miss." Mana stood in front of me, with a smile. "Goodluck." She whispered to me. I turned around letting her set in across my back since it was long. "Mana." I warned seeing Mahad come to us. She backed away, and turned.

Mahad only smiled down at us. "You are knew I take it? I've never seen you around before." I nod my head."Yes, I just finished training, and was told I can join this expedition." I lied once again, but it was kinda fun.

"That's a nice weapon you have there. but why?" He said curiously.

"I specialize in using weapons, It's something extra I like to use sir."

Mahad smiled a little." No need to call me that, please call me Mahad. Welcome to our group miss..."

'!! CRAP I need a name!!!!' I was beginning to lose it. I had to figure out something. 'D-Dark! * I called to my deck* what's a good name?! '

I looked with one to the side spotting Seto, and Atem from the distance from the balcony.

"Lysara, that's my name." I spoke the tall magician.

He nods. "Well then Lysara, we better head out now." "Be safe Lysara." Mana smiled at me with worried eyes. I nod my head. Pretending to play the cool, shy, quiet type for now. I had to because I could be snuffed out to easy...if I don't. Until something shows up next to my vision. "Here...take this. It has a few simple spells here. If you can figure out to use them, it could help. The sword.. I got you apparently can hold, and wield magic if you are in danger." Man whispered to me.

"Wow...thanks soo much. Keep the other's safe for me. Will you? Yugo, Shay, and Yuto. I'm pretty sure comes sunset they will worry that I haven't shown up."

She nods.

'She will be safe with us'

"Huh..?" My eyes widen, seeing Dark next to me, with Amethyst. Even Mana could see them now. Nodding she backs up a little waving to us all. I made my way to the others.

"Ready?" Mahad asks, not knowing who I really am. I nod. I looked next to him, seeing a dark colored horse. "Climb on, new magicians always get a horse."

I climbed onto the tall horse, and looked down. 'So..high...' I was even taller than Mahad now. I followed everyone else down the path.

'I wonder, what Seto is thinking?'

(Yu-Gi-Oh) Different Golden Gems  Atem X Reader X Diva/AigamiWhere stories live. Discover now