Triple Treat

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I open my eyes once again. Only to fee hand l the soft touch of fabric in my fingers.
'' I opened up my gemstone eyes. Only to come faced with a dark blue ceiling.
I blinked my eyes, not knowing where I was now. My head was buzzing, making my hearing suck even more. When suddenly words came to my head.
(Your awake.....)
"!" My eyes widen for a second. '...what....' I looked around the room, seeing no one here. It was dark, and quiet.
When I felt a suddenly touch on my hand from a unknown object. My eyes snapped down, only to see a small candy like thing wrapped in a golden wrapper. I could see, a note tapped to it.

{Here, this should help once you wake up.}
Feel Better


'Y-ugo......?.?.?' I blinked. ' Who is that.....' I picked up the small candy, unwrapping it I dropped it into my mouth, tasting a nice sweet mint flavor.
( That's your friend is it not?) A heard a voice again. I suddenly sit up in shock. "!!W_Who's there!!!!"I turned my head left, and right in horror. (Look this way)
"?.?.?" I blinked, turning my head a little. ( No, to your left.) This was starting to feel creepy... I slowly turned my head to the left.
'W-waa.....!' My eyes widen.

( Hello, ah..._____)
I couldn't believe my eyes, Yami. He was standing there right in my room. ' that possib-' I felt myself freeze in place. *Thump,thump thump* My heart pulsed hard from mental, and physical stress. ( Honestly, I'm not sure, but I do know one thing. My soul seems to be stuck inside of you. I can hear your thoughts.....)
He was inside of me!? or inside of the. I looked down at the ring around my neck, it was still there. That was not a dream, it really happened, and Yami returned with me.
'A-Atem! * I gawked, making me hold back on my words, not wanting to shout out in the open* w-w.what..thewwHEREamI!?' My gemstone eyes snapped open wide. Making the king flinch at my sudden moment. (💦A...ah..._____you might want to..) He held out his hand.
I shake my head. There was no way I was going to leave this be. I just had to find out where I was. I could feel my pulse rise ten fold. No matter how much my body burned I slid to the edge of the bed, taking my brave step. I slid off the bed.

*THUD!* fall onto the ground.
(____!!!) Yami freaked out, showing up next to my flat form, he looked at me with worry on his face. ( You really shouldn't move. Your body can barley move, let alone stand.) His voice was full of emotions. Worried, brotherly, close friend, and some what scolding me for being so reckless.
"...ugh........y-yeah...maybe you are right......."
I closed my mouth.'......I just want to know who's house this is......'
(I can help with that. I remembered seeing 3 faces. I think the one had dark blue hair, with blonde. hair with gold If I remember correctly. Oh.., yes and some interesting orange colour.)
Just to my luck, the door suddenly opened up. Only to have my fallen body still on the ground. I looked up in shock, my eyes meeting with three others. Deep Blue, Silver, and Light Blue.

{Rewind a few minuets}

Three guys sat down below the room I was in.

"Thanks for the help..., Yugo was it?"
The white suited turbo duellist nods at Yusei." Its no problem, I'm just confused on why she was alone passed out on the hill." Yugo hold the cup in his hands.
"W-well...., see...* Crow looked averted his eyes a little, making Yusei look at him in slight worry* ______ has been missing for almost a month."
"W-what, no way...." Yugo looked down at his cup. It stung his soul a little.
"Yeah...., it all happened after she got a job in Kaiba Corp. It was only two days in, and she seemed to have gone missing after a friend of hers told us she got attacked by a couple of thugs." Yusei saw Yugo grip his wrist.
"Tch, those creeps. Attack a innocent girl in the open."
When suddenly, a loud sound came from above them. Having the light above them swing, blinking as is lighting struck.
"! W-what was that?" Yugo's ocean coloured eyes widen with shock.
"It came form upstairs." Crow stood up.
"That's where______ is."

Nodding to each other the three run, up the steps. Not realising that outside Jack was parking his duel running, about to step inside.

{Forward, me on the floor}

"!!" I looked up from the floor, only to have. Crow, that dark ocean haired guy with blonde, and Yusei looking at me in pure shock. Also worried,and confused on why I was on collapsed on the ground.

"__-____! are you alright?" "Why are you on the ground?" Crow finished the words.
*Tap...tap..* Yusei walked over to me, holding out a hand he spoke. "The ground seem comfortable"
"..uh...." I looked up into his kind, honest eyes. Reaching out slowly, almost dropping my hand down again, Yusei reached out, and grabbed it.
"Here we go." He gently pulled me up off my feet, since Yusei was actually taller than me, he literally lifted me up off the ground, and sat me down on the bed. But the faces of the two guys behind, was still gawking at me. 'Ah...w-whats his name....'

"Your not injured are you?" He asked. I shake my head. "..n-no.."
"That reminds me, why where you on the floor anyways...? " Crow walked closer, with the other guys following behind.
I looked up from the corner of my eye, seeing Yami nod at me. Telling me its alright now. Funny thing was that it seemed I was the only one who could see the now spirit again, Yami.
"..Well....I was hungry....., and I wanted to know where I was."
"So You Stood up, and tried to see if your could go down the steps?" I cringed, Crow's words...were a little strong."Crow...its alright. She only just got back. We should all be thankful that she isn't in any worse condition than she is."
"Ha....yeah..., you are right. Sorry..____."
"So....? are you really okay then?" The other guy replied from the door. I looked at his face for a moment, he was the one who found me first it seemed.
"...I'm...sorry, but may I ask what your name is?"

The guy straightened up a little. He walked right up next to Yusei. "Its Yugo, nice to meet you."
"Yugo...., * I smiled* I'm glad I met you too. Thank you for helping me." I smiled weakly back at the ocean blond haired turbo duellist. "Ahaha..! no its was nothing. I don't mind at all." He seemed really nice, even if I just me him.
"_____ do you need anything? I mean..."

*CLANG, door slams open "DID SOME ONE SAY ______!!?"

(Yu-Gi-Oh) Different Golden Gems  Atem X Reader X Diva/AigamiWhere stories live. Discover now