Rich Guys First, Nice Guys Last

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I felt my stomach drop, at the sight of those deep emotionless dark blue eyes.

( I hope... I'm not l-late....)

"Its you..." Kaiba's deep voice mumbled.

"Y-yes, good morning." I straightened up, pulling a small smile. ( Okay...stay calm..! he can't kill me now.. he hired me..)

He just nod his head, making his brown bangs swish a little. " Come in..."

( Why do I feel so scared..? he is my boss isn't he?)

I stepped into his very neat, but almost empty office. As I walked to the guest chair right across from where he sat at his desk. My eyes picked up on the large glass windows, giving a epic view of the city below. He had a laptop out, and a larger silver office phone on his desk.

I took my seat.

* Tap..tap.......ffwt.....* Kaiba sat down across from me.

"'re here." His deep blue eyes stared at me.

" Yes....!" I tried to sound totally normal.

"Well lets get to the chance. This isn't my actually office. My office is on the top floor. I called you here to see if I could trust you." His mouth went on. ( it seems the rumours where true.., he is a little twisted)" Since this is where you work now, you're daily jobs is being the messenger."

( M-messenger..!?)

"Yes, that's right. You will be the one who carries paper work to whom, I tell you, and who to bring messages to."

I was lost at the words, until there was a knock on the door.

* Knock knock!*

"Mh who is it?" Kaiba groaned.

"Seto its me...! I have something."

"?.?.?.?" I blinked at the voice of a young kid.

"Make it quick Mokuba I am busy here." His stern voice, made my blood freeze.

"Here these are the papers for how many products where sold." I watch as the little boy with black thick long hair, hand Kaiba the paper stack.

Kaiba reached over grabbing it he slid it on his desk. " Now leave please. I am very busy."

(! ...)

" Bye Seto!" I watched as the one called Mokuba ran out the door slamming it with a bang.

Kaiba:"!!!!....." ( S.T.O.P slamming doors.....) He cursed in his head.

I could see Kaiba's eyes twitch in annoyance.

"......." I was scared to say a word.

"Back to business, you are to start now. I will be assessing you for the day. To make sure you are worthy for this job. I am not a fan of wasting time.Do you duel by the way?" His rapid fire question made my heart leap.

"Y-yes I do."

" Whatkindofdeckdoyouhave..?" There he went again.
I swallowed. " Crystal beast deck...sir."

"Mh..interesting..and drop the sir."
" Okay." I replied scared.

"What is you're favourite card?" ( Oh geeze! he is interrogating me....or what?!)

" my deck, Amethyst Cat. However, there is 2 others I like that are not in my deck as we speek." I tried to sound strong, and confident. Still I was only a girl, who looked younger than her age.

"What is it?" He plowed back.

" I black dragon,and Dark Magician." ( W_WHAT!!! SSSSSSSINCE When Do I SAY DARK MAGICIAN!!!!????) My mind screamed at me.

I could see Kaiba's eyes widen in shock for one mere second, then fall normal. ( W-what?! IMPOSSIBLE...! she like ..that...CARD!!!??? Dark Magician) Kaiba almost couldn't breathe, it was like it was choking him.

The room became very quiet, and still.

(Um....what just h-happened..? He is so quiet..)

" Right... ahem...." I could see him snap out from the quiet.
"Good,now head up to the top floor, where my real office is. I will have you're work ready up there."

I wasn't sure to stand up or wait for me to be dismissed. So I very slowly rose to my feet. Humming and praying to myself he would get angry.

Seeing as he just sat there with no complaints, I began to walk to the door." Thank you." Then left.

Kaiba watched, with his hands folded,up at his face. Thinking to himself, while I left. (Mmmhhh... this girl....might be worth having here..........I have never heard of this girl before.....she may be a duellist,but dose she live alone? family? what is her life like.) Kaiba taped on the key bored, yet found nothing interesting about me.

( I will need to conduct further research..)


I let out a huge sigh, the second I was clear of his shut door.

( god.............I thought I was in trouble for a se-)


"!" My mind was suddenly cut off, by a young voice. "?" I looked to my right seeing, Mokuba standing there.

"Oh, Hi." I smiled at him. He looked really nice, not so serious like his brother.

"So you're the new one hired here?" The boy came closer to me. " Yes, It seem so."

"Hey......don't take too much what my brother says to heart." Mokuba looked at me, then to the side.
" Oh don't worry. Everything seems to be fine." I smiled.
"Y-yeah...! but....* He looked down a little* Seto...has been through a lot in the past. He may seem to be mad and angry all the time. But he really is a nice brother. I hope you can forgive him for that."

(....He calls him Seto..........that's actually cute........)

" I will don't worry."

Mobuka looked up with a happy smile. "Okay the, what is you're name?"
"_____ ______. Nice to meet you Mokuba." I held out my hand.

"Mh!* He smiled* You too." Mokuba led me to Kaiba's real office. He explained to me how that was a emergency false room. If one would rob him or something.

* Tap* Mobuka pushed the button in from the elevator. We stood there, with room of mirrors, lined with gold. "So _____ do you duel?"

I nod. "Yes I do."

"COOl! what kind of deck do you have?" I could see his pool of violet, and Kaiba's twin blue eyes mixed all in one. He literally seemed to reflect Seto's hidden kind side in his eyes.

" Crystal Beast deck." I shifted the back side of my long jacket over, showing my deck box. "Wow..! are the cards really made of crystal?"
I loved this kids personality. We seemed to get along really well. Even if we just met. " I wished they where made of crystal, however the cards them selves are shine like gems."

"Whoa! I wish to see them some time. Is that the only deck you have? Like come on, having such a cool rare named deck. You must have some other cool card."

"Well....I....have a Red-eyes Black dragon some where in there too.

"Woah...! you have red eyes too. I know some one who has one also. My brother dose not really get a long with him that well though..."
"Really? glad to see there is some one who likes that family of dragons just as much as me.

Then something popped into my head. My vision flashes a large image of a dragon flying by.

(!......what is that..........A dragon? such beautiful wings...... .......)

I could see the mystical beast spread its wings once again. Then my visions flashed near its face.

( B-blue.......)

I saw deep blue....eyes.....they looked almost like sapphires.


"..b-blue eyes....." I whispered under my breath.

"Blue- eyes? Yeah Seto really loves his dragon." Mokuba spoke, still tilted his head at me.

I blink, being aware of what I said. "!"

"I see..., well I hope that could change later on. Disliking someone isn't that fun..."


* Ding!!*

The elevator stopped at the top floor, floor 40.

( So...Kaiba loves.....the Blue- Eyes White Dragon..........the near sister of the Red- Eyes)

I left the elevator a little dazed, from all that happened.

"Well here it is..! Seto's real office."

"!!!!!!" This door was much bigger. ( I could just tell this room had, money and mystery seeping through the door.

(Yu-Gi-Oh) Different Golden Gems  Atem X Reader X Diva/AigamiWhere stories live. Discover now