Dangerous Side Of The Street Part 1

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(Since people seem to be enjoying this. I thought I'd update again.)

Thunder Crashed loud in the sky.

Diva and I arrived home soaked to the bone. Even though Diva couldn't see Mahad, he told my Magician it was alright to relax with us.

"Mahad would you like some tea?" Diva looked in his general direction.
I cleared my throat." D-Diva I don't think he is able to-"

"It's quite alright ___. I can consume tea. It may look odd though to some."

I shake my head." Never mind Diva, he said he can drink tea."

"Wonderful." Beamed the deep blue spiky-haired man. I watched as Diva set down some tea on the table near Mahad. Seconds later we see the cup slowly rise up. Though to Diva it only looked like a floating ghost cup.

"Haha right, I forgot that part." Diva smiled.
"The tea is lovely." Dark Magician smiled peacefully.

My duel monster Magician with blonde hair came to join us as well. I guess you could calm him Mahad's other apprentice.

"Indeed it's quite refreshing." Smiled Dark.

"They like the tea." I told Diva." I'm glad. So ___ have any plans for tomorrow?"

Another crash of lightning hit. The rain roared outside. It was as if Kaiba's tech malfunctioned and he was blowing off steam.

*Tp* Just like that the power went out, and everything went dark.
"Oh my. I guess that's it for the power." Diva sighed.

I was about to say something when I see a small flicker of violet light glow near me. It looked kinda like a flame.

"I.. am sorry. This is all I can do." I gasped in surprise seeing Mahad trying to create light for us.

"I was gonna say, I should try to find a new job. Hopefully something I like."

"Hmm, it will keep you busy. I think a café would suit you."

"Ha ha, thanks, Diva." I lightly giggled at his comment.

"I suppose it's time to sleep now. At least we finished our food before the power ended." Diva stood up slowly.

"If you allow me I'll guide you up to your rooms." I hear Mahad say. I watch the floating purple flame follow Diva and I.

" I see now, you will help is fine our way back." Diva was happy he didn't have to fumble through the dark alone.

I walked closely next to Diva. I felt the stands of really long hair he had, brush against my hand.

*Click!* My foot hit the steps hard than I wanted. Making me almost lose my balance. "Woah, careful there." I felt two hands on my shoulder holding me from falling. "Few..." I sighed. Mahad glanced back at me, smiling a bit knowing I was alright.

'She needs good friends like that. Pharoah would be glad.'

"You alright?" Diva blinked his golden eyes. I nod slowly. I began to follow the purple flame once again.

"Thanks, Mahad, this is my room."

"Well, night ___." I waved to Diva, as he walked into his room.

"I turned on my heel and went into my room. Guided by the violet flame.

( Next Morning)

I woke up to a text on my phone from Yugi. I quickly got ready and brushed my hair out. Now I looked at my phone.

Yugi: Hi___, sorry to text you so early. I wanted to tell you I saw Kaiba! He was looking for you.

'Oh..god..no.' I looked back at the phone.

(Yu-Gi-Oh) Different Golden Gems  Atem X Reader X Diva/AigamiWhere stories live. Discover now