♠Business Rush♠

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm playing my favourite song.

".........." Reaching over sleepy, I punched down on the screen. { The snooze button..}

".......mh...........Kaiba......" That was the last thing one wished to hear early in the morning. (.....sooo... I see you are awake..)

" Hi.....Am......" Is all I said, grabbing my cloths I layed out for myself. (...hm.......) Am sprawled out on my bed, like a regular house cat. However, he was much bigger. He was the size of leopard. Throwing on my most of my cloths, but my main coat. I stood at the mirror, brushing out my hair, and made myself look presentable. Amethyst was napping on my bed while I did this.

" ...yey....finally done." I whispered. Taking my deck box, I slid it onto my belt and locked it around my waist, I pulled my jacket on. I poked my head outside, seeing as no one was present at the moment. I slowly slipped out, locking my door. I walked down the steps very slowly. The steps where metal, and Jack's room was closest to the stairs, walking carelessly down them could cause a thunderstorm like sound.

Taking careful steps, I heading down into the kitchen/ garage. I still didn't understand why they lived in such a....uh....interesting house. More like it wasn't even a house.

I looked at the time on my phone. ( Alright great, I have exactly one hour to get to Kaiba's building, and that means I could grab breafest along the way.)

I began to walk off, as the warm morning light made me feel at peace. I didn't have to take the buss, to get to Kaiba's tower. So I could just walk.
I stood at the edge of a street, waiting for the cross walk light to turn for me.
"....." ( Let see.......where can I eat some food.....) Slightly turning my head, I saw a small coffee shop across the street. They most likely had cake or scones I could eat on the go.

*Beeep beep.....beep beep..* My attention was brought back to the light signalling that I could cross now. I stepped off the edge, my coat fanned out a little as I walked. There was maybe only one other person crossing the street next to me, but I didn't care, much......

I watched left and right as I walked over the street. I send a mental death glare at the cars coming from both sides. ( Yes, you better stop...)

Cars from both sides slow down and stop of course.
"...( Yeah thanks...)" ( You can't trust cars these days.....)

Finally I crossed, seeing the a near by coffee shop. "! heh just my luck." I smiled a little not wanting to look like a weirdo.
I walked into the enterance of the coffee shop.

There being a little line up, I stood into position. As I watched the people ahead of me slowly take baby steps to the counter.
I looked up at the menu, while being in line. ( Okay now..., I know I don't have much time. I need something simple and tasty.)

My eyes scanned over the menue, like if I was dueling.
(....what should I .......)

My eyes fell down onto the lemon tart. "!"( Perfect!) I yelled in my head. My eyes slowly followed to the right to the drink area. (.....Rose tea....black tea......, honey lemon......, blueberry............
..............ah! there! green tea iced tea!!) I nod to myself.

Those where always know to be sweet, and perfect for any time of the day. Since they where cold, I dind't have to worry like the buisness guys in suites running down the street with boiling coffee in their hands, scared to trip and spill it all across their hands. Then burning them selves to mass pain.

Plus this had a strong lid and straw.

I was being the last person in line, ready to order. My heart began to race a little, I snuck a peak at the clock above our heads.

(..Uh.....god....hurry up....I need to go soon.........) I didn't know how Kaiba was in the mornings, I had no good idea on how to react around him. For all I know he could be a total phycopath.

Chashier:" Next..!"

My snaps up, realizing I was next in up. I walked up to the counter.

Cashier girl:" Hello, what can I get you?"

" Hi, can I have a lemon tart please, and a green tea iced tea please."

Cashier girl:" Yes of course."

Paying, I was handed my food, shortly after that, Grabbing my drink, I slid a straw into it, and head for the door.

Just as I walked out, out of no where I didn't realize a figure standing in front of me. It swear I was watching where I was going!

*Crash...!* * Fwwwt!*

"!!!!!!" Suddenly crashing into something, I felt my drink and tart go flying out of my hand. Spiling onto my coat almost.

(!!!! W-wah!! My drink!!!!!) My eyes widen, as I step back. Hearing that thud, and splash of my drink spilling all over the floor.

" Oh! I'm sorry about that." My eyes snapped up, seeing a tall guy with soft, thick white messy hair, and chocolate brown eyes. He literally had the colour drained from his face.

Then it hit me. ( I have seen him before! he is that guy I saw yesterday walking down the street, when I was ridding at the back of Yusei's duel runner.) Then I freaked out seeing my tart flipped upside down on the ground. (!!!!! aaaah!! my breakfast!!!)

" Are you alright?" My mind was caught off by him.
" Ah yes, I'm fine." I looked at my spilt food.
"I'm sooo sorry about that. I didn't realize you where coming this way." I could sense he was starting to panic a little.

"Aha no don't worry, it's fine."
" I'll buyyouanotherone." He quickly spoke, reaching for his wallet.

I saw the clock on the wall. My eyes widen a little.( !! I have to go! or I'll be late!!!)

Manager:" Is everything okay here?"

We both turn our heads. " Oh yes, we are fine. I'm sorry about this...." I bowed my head a little.

"Its alright, as long as no one is hurt. Don't worry we will clean it up."

"Thank you..."

Turning back to the chocolate brown eyes one.

" Ah no, I mean don't worry about it. I need to go or I will be late." He looked at me a little worried. I could tell he was very sorry.

"Well, let me make it up to you some how. I can't ignore that I just hit a girls food from her hand."

(...he is so kind...)

"Ah um...don't worry, I really need to go...please excuse me." I smiled bowing my head.

"Right..." He stepped to the side, letting me pass.
Just as I passed through the door, I could feel him still looking at me. (...I'm sorry.....) I apologized in my head again, for leaving him at a time like this.

( Move now! I can't be LATE!) I speed walked down the street. That quickest way was through the park. My coat flailed behind me, from the wind.

* Tap...Tap tap tap*

I began panting, harder and harder. I swallowed trying to stop myself, so people wouldn't stare at me.

Feeling my stomach drop just as the tall building comes into view. "Haa......finally....I made it..." As sight of relief catches me. My breakfast was one thing I still wish I could of had. Looking left and right I crossed the street.

Here I stood in front of the tall building. I grab the handle and walk inside.
Swallowing hard, I remembered needing to find a elevator, to bring me to the.........10th floor.

( Yeah, that sounds right...)

Quickly speed walking to the elevator, I pushed the arrow button, not caring which one because they all end up there at one point.

* Ding..!* The door opened, and I jumped in, slamming my fist down on the button to close the doors like a ninja.

Taking a deep breath, I stood up straight. " Huuuughhh... okay now! 10th floor." My eyes snap to the button.

* Beeep....* I pushed it feeling the elevator move up.

Turning to the side realizing, the hole elevator was a mirror from the inside. I looked at myself.

"!!! aaah!!! omg!!!" I jumped, rapidly I began to comb through my hair like mad. Looking myself front to back.

{ A few seconds later...}♠♠♠♠♠♠

* Ding!*

The elevator door opened, I stepped out with a stoic look on my face, like nothing ever happened.

( Okay I'm ready.) I told myself, turning down the hall to the right, with my coat flailing behind me.

{ 2 seconds later...}

" Wrong hall...!" * TAp tap tap tap* I zipped by to my left.

I walked for who knows how much longer, till I saw a tall door frame, it was taller than all the others in the hall. It read { Seto Kaiba} on the the door. Then my blood froze cold, seeing a little sign on the door below his name.


"....." I took a deep breath. Raising my hand I pounded down on the door. Feeling a slight sting.

*Krrrk..!* (Gahh!! c-crap...! I knocked to hard....) I winced at my red knuckles.

* Click...* I heard the door unlock.

I watched, as a tall dark figure emerged from behind the door.

(Yu-Gi-Oh) Different Golden Gems  Atem X Reader X Diva/AigamiUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum