Step Up My Game

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I fell back into my bed at Yusei's house. Atem was back in his soul room of my mini ring, that looked similar to Mahad's millennium ring, and stolen by Bakura.

'Ha..., wow....that was a long day.' 'Yes it was lady _______.' I looked to my left seeing my blonde Dark Magician standing there. '..oh yeah, I never asked. Why do you call me lady anyways..?'

Dark paused for a moment, it was as if my question was troubling him. 'Ah,I'm sorry. That came out wrong haha.' I tried to laugh it off. I wanted to shout at myself because I felt like I offended him.

'No, it isn't that. I was actually told by Mahad the Magician, to call you that. Since you were a guest for Atem in the palace.'

I slumped back into my seat. 'Come to think of it, it's been a while since I saw him. you don't think he was kicked out..?' I said in my head while looking down at my necklace.

'I'm afraid I haven't felt his presence for quite a while now...' He sounded disappointed, or ashamed?

My room suddenly felt cold for me, thinking back on what happened. I looked at my phone seeing it was almost midnight. I couldn't text them now, it was too late.

'That's alright...., as long as my friend is safe then It'll be fine.' Yusei, and the others where long asleep, while I couldn't.

'...milady..., you should rest as well.'

I rolled to face the other way. " But..I'm not tried." I tried to ignore Dark's pleading.

'Ha💨.....' He walked to the other side of the bed to face me.

My eyes slowly looking up his dark blue, and red armour. '..whut...., I'm just thinking.'

He crossed his arms. 'Oh really..? is that all.'

"....just wondering." Was all I said, but he knew all too well something was troubling me. I watched from the corner of my eye, seeing Dark walk up to a chair, and sit down while crossing his legs, and setting his staff to the side. I didn't look, like he was leaving anytime soon.

I rolled around to the other side, and slid under the blankets. I said nothing as I closed my eyes. It was the only way I could meet the others tomorrow.


Not long after I drifted off to sleep.

'_____?' Dark called out . No reply.

This made him stand, and make his way over to my bedside. Looking down with those crystal blue eyes, he caught a glimpse of my sleeping face. 'Oh, I see.' He lightly smiled to himself.

Walking over to the same seat, he sat down with his leg crossed. Sort of in the same fashion as Atem sat on his throne in Egypt.


I woke to the sound of my phone's alarm going off.

"!!!!!!" Making my eyes shoot open ,I slammed my finger down on the screen. "....uh......" I slumped back down half on my pillow, and half off. The room was quiet, but I wasn't so sure.

'......awake lady _______?' I voice said near me. I didn't move.

'......hmm, guess not....' The voice left.

I shifted a little. "...I'm...not dead....yet......" I mumbled.

'Oh so you are awake. Morning.' It was Dark Magician.

"...hey....., could you bring me my....jacket............" I sounded half dead..

'R-right away....' He replied sounding a little confused. I didn't sound all that great.

Dark floated down next to my bed, holding out my long black jacket to me. "..t-thanks...." I grabbed it pulling it over my head.

Dark Magician's mind: ??????

Something was off, from my usual morning mood.

'Something wrong....?'

I breathed under the coat, all I saw was darkness. "...n-no...I'm fine. Just thinking about all the things I must do today. It makes me head hurt."

'I see.' He said as I slowly poked my head back out from under my coat.

He looked down with a calm smile. 'Hello there.'

".....hi...Ugghhh. OKAY! get this over with!" I threw my sheets off, and slipped into my jacket, realising I fell asleep in my cloths.

Dark stepped back as if he was awaiting orders. As I fixed my cloths I spoke. "Say, you aren't usually here at this time. Something happen?" I said out in the open.

'Ah, no not in particular. I just thought I'd join you today that's all.' He sounded different a little,and more like Mahad. Was he trying to make me feel better? or was he worried.

"Oh, okay cool." I clicked my door, open as I grabbed my deck box, and put it on my belt.

I wanted to try something new. I wanted to go on to the roof top of that building that held a nice breakfast restaurant. There was also a small park there where you could stroll, and sometimes have people dueling there that had Dragons, or larger monsters, especially ones that fly, since it was the perfect place to not knock down anything.

I sat in the living room in Yusei's house. Dark stood in the corner of the room with his arms crossed, but still enjoying himself. Pulling out my phone, I sent a text message.

Me:( Hello, Yuto. This is _____. How are you doing today?)SEND

Not very long after that I got a reply, with my phone buzzing.


Yuto:(Hello, I am doing good.)

Short reply. I wanted to talk more.

ME:( I was going to ask, would you like to join me for breakfast at a rooftop restaurant? Shay could come too of course.)SEND

(Yu-Gi-Oh) Different Golden Gems  Atem X Reader X Diva/AigamiWhere stories live. Discover now